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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    Another Sad BUMP...... :(
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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz get noticed! :)
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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    Bump, come on someone..................... :)
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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    Nobody with a old mobo??? I need one soon, in worst case, I don't mind a mobo+proccy combo if rightly priced........
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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    BUMP...................Price is Negotiable! :)
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    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    I need a mobo that can take Socket P3 processor for my old abandoned system................;) It should have an AGP slot and offcourse in tested working condition............. Mumbai sellers preferred! :hap2:
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    The Desktop Thread!!

    Thats awesome Desktop! :hap2:
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    We Won The Great Twenty 20 Final

    ^^^Stop arguing over Joginder Singh or anyone else, what matters is TEAM INDIA won the World Cup! No Sachin, No Dravid, No Saurav but we won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
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    We Won The Great Twenty 20 Final

    oye balle balle, jeet gaye oyeeeeeeeee, World Cup jeet gaye oye!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: india entered 3 world cup finals, won both when sachin, dravid and saurav didnt play!! lost where they played. what does that mean? :tongue:
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    Security Software OutPost Pro Security Suite (Free for limted time)

    For all those who want a good Antivirus/Anti spyware and also want it free!!! Checkout OutPost Pro Security Suite : Internet Security: Agnitum Outpost Security Suite. Download it, its a 34.2 MB, so if u have slow internet connection, get it downloaded from someone with broadband and then...
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    We Won The Great Twenty 20 Final

    ^^^Ha ha, how old are u?? Yes it would be Best Match ever, hope India comes out Winning of this Deadly battle! Chak De - India :)
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    We whooped Aussie @$$ !!

    Simply Awesome Cricket............... 3 Consecutive Great matches including against 2 of the best teams - SA and the rowdy Aussies! Hope India wins on Monday and Pick this WC atleast, if they do so, Sachin, Sourav, Dravid would really feel the pinch why weren't they part of a World Cup winning...
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    Sony 1GB micro memory card for phones like K790i/800i

    You have multiple products list as "Brand New". If u are selling Brand New stuff on this forum the u can be termed as a "Dealer"................ What about warranty? Any idea if it will work with Nokia 6300?
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    FS: Antec Super Lanboy (Chassis or Computer Case)

    If u want to sell the PSU separately PM me the best price......Thanks.
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    Torrentbytes is open

    Those confirmation codes are annoying............:@ Got thru after lot of attempts. Thanks! :)
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    A Roaming query

    Buy a Hutch Connection in mumbai, thats what I suggest, its best amongst the worst! Bsnl is not in mumbai, its covered by MTNL, even if the MTNL shows Full Network, a person calling Mtnl number frequently gets to hear.....:"Not Reachable" message. Hutch is good compared to others!