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    PC Peripherals Modem Help

    can anyone tell me the price of a MOTOROLA SURFBOARD 5101 i modem ? and if its available in hyderebad?
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    FS: Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4Ghz 1066FSB CPU

    talk abt a confused customer
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    AVI Compression?

    h.264 roxor gettin smaller sizes than xvid with the exacct same quality!!
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    Vnc help!

    hamachi aint workin :( .any other way guys?
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    Vnc help!

    thanx gonna try hamachi...i tried makin a hamachi server on my own pc..and then tryin to remote control it works...even though im not behind a nat...ill see if itll work for my friend .
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    Vnc help!

    guys ive been using real vnc to remote control my friends pc for a long time..but now he got a wireless router installed and now i cant connect to his pc anymore cuz the ips his pc is gettin is like 192.168.x.x sumthin like dat.can anyone tell me how to go thru this?.earlier his ips used to be...
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    iPod Shuffle vs larger iPod's

    i have an ipod shuffle 512 mb one..the sound is nowhere as good as the orignal ipod..i heard it at a cuzins place.the original ipod has awesome bass and clarity.shuffle is jus ok..nano was good too..but me thinks the best one was the original ipod
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    Graphic Cards problems with x1800xt???

    most prolly ur psu...check it in another pc
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    FS: Dual Xeon CPU 3.2 GHZ 533FSB

    can u gimme more info...will it work on my intel 845 gbv mobo?
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    FS: Palit 7600GT

    bump for a good friend
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    Free Online Storage Upto 2 GB ? has a 1 gb download limit...i need something that has unlimited downloads
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    Tata INDiCom

    i used tata in hyd...PATHETIC is not the goes off for whole days and the customer service was even more lame...they would put me on hold for 15 mins and still not solve my prob...i switched to iqara ( now YOU telecom) .AWESOME rarely disconnects...and im gettin more...
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    Free Online Storage Upto 2 GB ?

    Hey guys is there any site where i can upload my home made videos and then SHARE it with my friends? i tried aols was sooo freakin slow and annoying. want help ASAP Thanx!
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    AVI Compression?

    thanx ppl...much appreciated...i tried out compressed a 150 mb file into 30 mb with a lil loss in thats ok...ill try out that h.264 codec though. and report back
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    AVI Compression?

    divx is ok but it decreased the file size by 50 % ... can it go any further...any other codec u guys knw of?
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    AVI Compression?

    Hi guys a friend of mine is facing a problem.he has some old cannon digi takes avi videos at resolutions of 160*120,320*240 and 640*480. The prob is his cam doesnt do any compression like the new digi cams nowadays so even if he takes a 1 min video at 640*480 comes out like huge...
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    Loads to Sell.....

    wahahahaha good luck sellin ur tnt 2 for 750 rs!! lmao!
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    Need For Speed Carbon

    yea man...srsly the only good nfses were nfs2 SE and porsche... i remember playin nfs2 se when i had the voodoo 3 and playin it on glide .it was heaven then