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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    You always have the option of flashing to the "other" 2.3.4 firmwares. @all What are the differences between the CSL Firmware(s) and the stock Spice firmware? Aren't they the same? I don't remember my stock(2.2.2) Spice firmware much, but I do remember the yellow background with the "S" and...
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    Samsung Galaxy S II launched on May 25th - Retail Availability in June

    Are there screen protectors like this one for the S2 iVisor AG iPhone? I use one for my iPad and its by far the best and easiest screen protector I've used.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    With my new found obsession with Android I am thinking of selling my 1.5 yr old iPhone 3GS 16GB if the price is right. It's got a few cosmetic blemishes but nothing too major and everything is working fine. It is unlocked and Jailbroken with iOS 4.4.3 & 06.15.00 BB so it is NOT factory unlocked...
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    You are not doing it correctly if the phone is witching ON. It takes a while to get used to it. DO NOT press the Power button first. Hold the Vol Up button for a sec and then press the Power button. Your phone should say "Incoming Download mode" followed with some polling commands. EDIT...
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    @sajokj It is possible to switch from Cherry to CSL if you flash using SUT L3(Check the previous pages of this thread for instructions).
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    Good news is as long as one of the (six?) manufacturers of this phone keep it up to date we're good. it does require you to flash your phone with a custom ROM though so ..
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    @Deathbearer No worries man. Congrats!
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    I used SuperOneClickv1.7-ShortFuse to root on the stock firmware. I chose the rageagainstthecage exploit. Try that.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    Well try it by deleting the three files first. If it doesn't work delete data & cache and reinstall the rom.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    @Scorpy Really strange that SUT L3 is giving you that error. Which ROM are you using now? Try downloading the file again and check. Also, check FR's article comments. I have put a alternate method based on FR's. It worked for paarkhi and I think it will work for you. Let me know.
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    Skype Video Calling for Android

    This also works on the Spice MI 410. Tried and tested. It(Video) does require 2.3.4 though.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    @Deathbearer. Look at this: SUT L3. That should give you all the info you need to flash firmwares for MI 410 using SUT L3 As the last step in that post says "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK"
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    Did it give you some error saying invalid PID, the file maybe corrupt etc etc? You don't need to worry, I got the same error when I was switching between ROM. paarkhi suggested to use SUT L3 to flash the firmware(s) and I have been using that ever since. Try that if you want.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    This is the cheapest deal AFAIK Spice MI 410 for 13K
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    Samsung Galaxy S II launched on May 25th - Retail Availability in June

    Random: Was searching YouTube for video call demos and came across this gem: Samsung Galaxy S II Communication Apps Quick Overview. I HAD to share this!!! :ohyeah:
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    Samsung Galaxy S II launched on May 25th - Retail Availability in June

    Whats the price of this thing @Alfa Mumbai? Called the guy up but he said he would not tell the price over the Phone.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    Thanks for that. Any particular reason you switched to unrooted 2.3.4? Just trying to see if I lose a lot by downgrading to 2.2.2(for now).
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    Thanks paarkhi. Well I don't know anymore, wiped data/cache reverted to Cherry 2.2.2 and then re-did the whole process yet no root! Guess I'll have to wait for that ROM now.
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    having the same problems as you, Upgraded to 2.3.4 and cannot root no matter what I try. Quick question, if I have to go back to stock firmware(to try everything from scratch again) what do I have to do?
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    Spice Mi 410 smartphone. 1Ghz snapdragon | 4.1" | Froyo | 5MP | 15K

    I am curious to know this as well. Which apk did you download? BTW I just got this phone today, so far so good. Will try rooting/some mods later this week. EDIT: Nevermind, I need to update to 2.3 to be able to do video calling on skype. @dr_jimit You need 2.3 for skype video calling.