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    2009-10 Football Transfers !!

    Benzema staying in Lyon according to reports :(
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    Suggest a good XML Editor

    Yeh i have to work quite a bit on XML and i use Editplus 3.
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    XML Parsing Help Needed

    Thanks for the help guys. Yep Javascript wudnt allow getting the XML file from a different domain. I had to use PHP to make it work.
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    XML Parsing Help Needed

    Hi , I am trying to parse an XML file and display the contents in an HTML Table. I've been able to parse the contents and display the data ( as i want) using Javascript but i'm facing a problem. This only works if the XML file is local. I want to parse a XML file stored on a website like...
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    I got my Passport

    Congos ! and nice title name :)
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    Best PHP study center in Kolkata?

    If you dont mind Video Tutorials then try's tutorial for PHP.
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    unable to work with PHPMailer with SMTP

    did u try running the mail server on any other port ?
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    ^Actually Norton has redeemed itself with Norton 2009. Just read the reviews of NIS and NAV 2009 :) I'm myself using it and have to say i a impressed!!
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    The Day Zune Stood Still

    hmm....heres the fix !.. FIX
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    1st show off !

    hey congrats man ! hows the lappy doing? I just bought it yesterday from Newegg shld receive it in 3 days.
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    Happy Birthday Shripad !

    hey...many many happy returns of the day buddy!
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    CPU/Mobo When are you moving to Core i7

    Well 1st lemme Upgrade to Core 2 Duo :( Stuck on a 3 Yr Old Sony Vaio having Pentium M. So unless Nehalem is released for laptops by say August next yr Core2 duo it is.
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    happy B'day Saiyan

    Happy Budday buddy !
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    ^ thru.
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    Linux Mandriva 2009 installation noob..lost data

    I am having a wierd problem in Mandriva. My sound is very very faint i.e if i plug my earphones in my Lappy i can listen a faint sound ...everything is at full volume. ne ideas guys ? The Lappy is a Sony Vaio VGN-T350P
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    Help with GRE + some general advice needed

    hey 1st of all Congos buddy on the GRE score.awesome considering u had < 24 hrs preparation . Like somebody said do chk out , very good forum with helpful guys. Just post ur profile there along with some univs and they'll tell you which ones u shud keep in ur list and which ones r...
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    Linux Mandriva 2009.0 Discussion Thread

    is the Final release date as per schedule ? or is it gonna be delayed ( As of Now).
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    PC Peripherals Problems with my new build

    ya dude this happened to me.Chk this also.In my case there was a server plate in the Chieftec cabby.
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    XFX Geforce GTX 260 Review

    neat review buddy!
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    Are you gay?

    nice one :D