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  1. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 TE Platoon

    i don't see myself on list . JOJO you are dead let me bring my RPG :ohyeah:
  2. mastersquall

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    i thought so *sign* in just 2years i lost so much value .
  3. mastersquall

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    how much should i sell my powercolor HD4870 1GB i brought it 2years ago :/
  4. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    look like you don't move in group . when me and three of my friend play together its hard for any one to pass through us unless its tank :P . :rofl:
  5. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    I am SoO happy that finally I am not alone anymore who faces origin random crash
  6. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    i was going for that card but i brought MSI 6950 twin froze 2GB
  7. mastersquall

    Kinect Headed to Windows in 2012

    atleast better then xxx or gta:sa with hot coffee patch :-P
  8. mastersquall

    Graphic Cards AMD HD7XXX Discussion Thread

    O_O really I am bringing this baby home
  9. mastersquall

    Kinect Headed to Windows in 2012

    :rofl: just imagine playing fps
  10. mastersquall

    Graphic Cards AMD HD7XXX Discussion Thread

    I will. play bf3 90% time as I hardly get any time . I think 6950 should be enough for next Battlefield series games right?
  11. mastersquall

    upgrading gaming desktop

    will do but what if I upgraded to 550w psu later will there be any problem with apc
  12. mastersquall

    Inter Q6600 + Kingston 4Gb DDR2 RAM + Asus G41 Motherboard + CM460 PSU

    if you want to sell ram alone I am ready to pickup it from you --- Updated Post - Automerged --- will pickup today only
  13. mastersquall

    upgrading gaming desktop

    well I will be playing at 1600x900 and I have no mood of changing my monitor soon atleast for next 2 years . look like 6950 is winner I will get it. btw I an getting apc 650 for 2850 is this right price
  14. mastersquall

    upgrading gaming desktop

    guys need urgent suggestion I am getting msi 560ti Twin Frozr 2gb for 15k and msi 6950 Twin Frozr 2gb for 16k which one to go. I want to keep GPU for atleast 2-3years also I am buying this evening . seeing 7 series will release in q2 2012 should I wait :-\
  15. mastersquall

    Graphic Cards AMD HD7XXX Discussion Thread

    should i wait for 7 series or should i go buy 6950
  16. mastersquall

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    any discount coupon of 100-200 ? need to buy Rs.600 stuff
  17. mastersquall

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    how much for 2years old i think CM silent pro 500W :/
  18. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    well i say its like GF you never when it get mad on you without any reason
  19. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    origin don't like me that much i think :ashamed: