Search results

  1. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    He is not saying that its a conspiracy. Just that its only part of the data. From what I read, these organizations have been prevented from releasing the reports in recent years just because it would embarrass the govt. The previous report that talked about the 45 year low on job was also...
  2. Lord Nemesis

    Mozilla firefox extensions bug certifications error!!

    Mozilla is lazy and careless but can't seem to stop whining about Google's increasing Monopoly in the market. They broke their entire Add on system by centralizing the Add on code signing process and then can't be bothered to keep the certs used in the code signing process updated when they...
  3. Lord Nemesis

    Buying a Demo tv

    I still see a massive line of people carting Sony 65" TV's in hyderabad when flights from Dubai land here.
  4. Lord Nemesis

    High Dividend Paying Stocks

    I have used smallcase and will not recommend it. The basic problem with Smallcase is that while they usually identify the right stocks to match the theme, they don't seem to be giving any attention to the price of the stock even when they are re-balancing. They may make you buy a stock that is...
  5. Lord Nemesis

    High Dividend Paying Stocks

    ^^ Both Zerodha Coin and Kuvera provide direct funds. I am not talking about that. The main difference is that on Coin, funds are held in demat form. So you need a demat account like zerodha's to hold the funds and any additional investment in lump sum or SIP will have to be done through demat...
  6. Lord Nemesis

    Buying a Demo tv

    I would not buy a demo TV and neither will I try to import a TV from another country. Both are bad ideas.
  7. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    The point is not that she has cancer or not, but the later part that I mentioned. If she is fit enough to be making communally inciting political speeches, she is fit enough to go back to jail. There are plenty of people at any point of time with cancers or tumors and undergoing treatment. It...
  8. Lord Nemesis

    Windows Windows 10 Keys

    If you do not mind a small message at the bottom right corner of the screen and inability to change the default theme, then you can just download windows 10 from Microsoft and use it for free. I have used windows 10 pro like this for a a year.
  9. Lord Nemesis

    High Dividend Paying Stocks

    You are approaching this in a very wrong manner. First of all, you should do some research on how mutual funds work, categories and understand your own requirements and appetite for risk and decide which plans to invest based on that. You shouldn't invest in something without understanding what...
  10. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    It is in their nature to spread fake and misleading information. Majority of the stuff posted on their twitter handles and said in publicity meetings is fake. Like how Modi claimed and mislead people in surat that they are now hanging rapists every 3 days, 7 days and 11 days and one month. He...
  11. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    ^^ Poll promises made in AP including grant of special status and special assistance were not mentioned in that sheet. Rs 2500 crore is the amount of funds issued to AP for building the capital as special assistance. To put that in perspective, Rs 1200 crore was the amount of funds issued by...
  12. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    Well, they are fielding a terror accused Pragya Thakur who came out on bail by misguiding the courts that she is suffering from cancer and is so sick that she cannot even sit for long let alone stand. Where does this confidence come from? Because there are plenty of people in the country will...
  13. Lord Nemesis

    High Dividend Paying Stocks

    Yep, doesn't make any sense to see dividends as an income source. Its an extra incentive (profit sharing) that you get for being a stock holder, but its no income source. You have no guarantees on amount of dividend or that its even paid. On a stock holding worth 3+ lac invested through out...
  14. Lord Nemesis

    Sexual Harassment Allegations against CJI

    With regard to the accusation, I am pretty well prepared to believe that congress can do stuff to get rid of a CJI that they don't like. In fact, given how congress and BJP collaborated to amend FCRA legislation so that both of them can get away from criminal cases, they can pretty well...
  15. Lord Nemesis

    Sexual Harassment Allegations against CJI

    I am well aware of it. In case you weren't able to understand what I wrote, I am questioning why Modi has a problem with his chopper being searched. If he were any better than the so called "Corrupt Congress", he would have got the rule scrapped long back and at the very least he would not have...
  16. Lord Nemesis

    Sexual Harassment Allegations against CJI

    Lets leave what Pappu and family do when they go outside the country for a moment. Can you explain why the Modi doesn't like his chopper being searched? also found...
  17. Lord Nemesis

    Sexual Harassment Allegations against CJI

    I doubt it has anything to do with one particular case. Modi has been trying to infiltrate and compromise supreme court since the day they came into power as that would be the only thing that can prevent them from having absolute powers. So I was already expecting some kind of well planned move...
  18. Lord Nemesis

    Sexual Harassment Allegations against CJI Nothing about the story looks reasonably believable or cohesive. Hopefully, this is properly investigated. Two things that stand out are that the family members have...
  19. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Are you sure that you are not dependent on society or anything that it has enabled while earning your income? If you are in a jungle or a remote island and grow your own food and fetch your own water, that itself is your income and you don't need to pay taxes. When you live in a society, you are...
  20. Lord Nemesis

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Assassins Creed Unity available for free till April 25th to honor Notre Dame Cathedral.