Search results

  1. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Yeah, justify crime in the name of civil disobedience. If you don't want to pay for electricity, then don't, but you don't have the right to steal electricity and use it at the expense of others. Electricity doesn't come free. Gandhi was no pinnacle of character either. He was happy to endorse...
  2. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is.. I seriously doubt anything's going to happen though given how if EC were following its "constitutional mandate", 99% of politicians would have been disqualified based on their affidavits.
  3. Lord Nemesis

    Zee horror show: Mutual fund investors in 6 Kotak debt plans get a scare

    Yep, limit is 30 for Focused Funds in India.
  4. Lord Nemesis

    Zee horror show: Mutual fund investors in 6 Kotak debt plans get a scare

    Its not exposure to equity that is the problem here, but to the debt itself in various debt schemes Regardless of how much equity AMC procures, no single equity scheme will have high exposure to a single stock. Even in Focused equity funds, the exposure is to 50 or so stocks. For other schemes...
  5. Lord Nemesis

    Zee horror show: Mutual fund investors in 6 Kotak debt plans get a scare

    Looks like the Debt crisis is spilling on to Mutual Funds investors.
  6. Lord Nemesis

    While we were not looking, India won some battles

    A lot of this stuff has been in place for more than a decade ago. The trouble with the govt stuff is that nothing is done properly and people tend to pat ourselves in the back without accomplishing much of anything. We had the ability to easily check name on electoral lists via website even in...
  7. Lord Nemesis

    India to launch its own DNS service

    Telegram is also apparently being blocked by some ISPs like Jio and Airtel. No circular and no information. Again probably because they refuse to compromise privacy of its users. So no, I definitely don't want Indian govt controlling key Internet infrastructure. They will start blocking...
  8. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Before he became CM, AK encouraged and incited many of his pretentious followers into not paying for their electricity bills. he told them that public utility services should be free of cost and that they are unnecessarily being made to pay for them. In many places where power was cut, they had...
  9. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    And you are just kissing another fanatical politicians ass. When I said refuse bad politicians, I never said it should be restricted to just two parties. I said refuse ALL bad politicians. You are telling me that a guy who has never showed any respect for the law or the constitution of the...
  10. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    What if all votes are NOTA? Think this happened in a village in recent round of assembly elections because no politician has done anything for them and they decided to vote NOTA. What choice do they have apart from conducting elections again? Maybe, that did not have immediate impact, but it did...
  11. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Change cannot come about by just switching between the same corrupt retards. Public pressure should be by refusing to choose between two bad options.
  12. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    That would be like rolling Rahul Gandhi and Modi into one entity. A corrupt fascist with double the dose of retardedness.
  13. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    You also didn't answer when Modi is planning to put his corrupt comrades in jail?
  14. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    I seriously doubt any honest tax payer in the country would ever support a present day politician, let alone one who surrounds himself with individuals that are so corrupt. You are contradicting yourself. I am also yet to know how Modi himself has assets worth crores (as per his own affidavit)...
  15. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    What you mean to say is that there are retards campaigning for Modi. These are grunts who feel the need to kiss the asses of politicians because they have no identity or self respect of their own. I also call them anti nationals since they are acting against the best interests of the nation. I...
  16. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Leaving the ridiculous poll promises aside, the extent of election code violations is insane this time.
  17. Lord Nemesis

    India to launch its own DNS service

    I don't want key internet infrastructure to be controlled by the govt. Do you know how much online censorship is happening already? The present BJP govt is trying to block Reddit as there is a lot of anti BJP sentiment there. They tried to obtain user details without proper reasons and not...
  18. Lord Nemesis

    We may no longer need to buy expensive hardware to play games - Google Stadia

    Every attempt at gaming as a service has had limited success due to internet infrastructure. Till that improves, don't expect too much. We already have games streaming for PS3/PS4 games available as a service for PS4/PC. I don't see this being any different. Casual single player gaming would be...
  19. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    Well there are supporters like this.
  20. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is.. :rolleyes: