Search results

  1. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Can you answer why the entire bjp cabinet is not in jail since their corruption and fake it returns are obvious from their election affidavits? Can you at atleast explain why none of congress politicians are in jail since modi himself claims they are corrupt? Does his inaction mean they are...
  2. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    You can easily find the video. He claimed that he will get back black money and that it would be enough to deposit 15 lac for free into every account. Maybe he didn't make a direct vow, but the intent of the statement in the speech is clear which is to polarize the crowd using that proposition...
  3. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Modi made absurd claims that he would deposit 15 lac in every citizens accounts. The worse thing is that many of his idiot bhakts believed it and argued about it till recently. They even speculated that Jan Dhan accounts were being created for that purpose. He is just as much of a retard as...
  4. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    You may have 25+ years experience, but apparently, you don't seem to still realize that typing in all caps or increasing font sizes like that for specific words is against basic forum etiquette. This is so basic that it does not even have to be listed explicitly in the rules for forums to take...
  5. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    This is exactly the kind of posts that get you banned in other forums. They survive on TE not because its a democracy, but because TE has moderately high tolerance for posts that that are deemed trolling or those violating the rules here. This very post is in violation of rules and eligible for...
  6. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    StackOverflow does not allow a lots of types of queries. You will find the thread getting locked with the response that that the question is not suitable for SO. Also, you don't get to know latest news etc; r/golang is where most happenings around the Go language are indexed and available to go...
  7. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    Depends on where you posted and what you posted. Some posts are a deleted or even result in a ban from a auto mod bot If you want to contribute to the language or the tool chain, github is the place, but of you are a Go developer then reddit and stack overflow is where the action is.
  8. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    I also use github, but only as a code repo or issue tracking and discussions on open source projects and contributions. On the other hand, the developer community for Go language is primarily on reddit. I also follow programming and technology sub reddits.
  9. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    Which is why I am not voting because I have no specific preference in that respect. If you had asked for the worst, I would have voted for quora. If you had given multi selection option, I would have voted for both TE and reddit. And no, I don't need any examples to demonstrate misguidance on...
  10. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    The cited reason that it will make people lazy is why I don't support such schemes.
  11. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Obviously I am not supporting their schemes nor did I even speak about it. I do not even consider it feasible. I am only saying that drunkard husbands are not insignificant percentage to be ignored. Even a 10 of 100 is a statistically significant percentage for them to take a decision based on...
  12. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    That's because I don't want to vote since I can choose only one option in your poll. For technology, I use reddit a lot more than TE. TE does not have much going on for programming. For general technology and local stuff, I use TE.
  13. Lord Nemesis

    Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

    That maybe because your threads/posts deserve it assuming they are anything like the stuff you post about Amazon, Google etc over here. Some of the sub reddits have very low tolerance.
  14. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    This is not prejudice. It may be surprising to you, but men who blow away all their earnings on booze is so common place and such a huge chunk of the whole in those circles of lower middle class and poor, that is considered the norm than the exception. Every women who had worked in my home as a...
  15. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    Yes, well substantiated indeed like in this link right? Do you know the criteria used for defining a village to have been electrified? Here it...
  16. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    Forget that, just look at this. 24/7 TV channel dedicated to Modi launched just days before the elections.
  17. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    What is weird is that the same sort of people who except that you run around politicians just to make them perform their basic duties towards the citizens for which they are voted in also except that you do not question them. If you raise questions or criticize these politicians, you are labeled...
  18. Lord Nemesis

    Rahul Gandhi on Rs 12K minimum income plan for poor

    You are expecting that people who don't give a damn about lying on self attested affidavits that could not only disqualify them form elections or elected roles, but also makes them legally liable for lying under oath and punishable with a jail sentence are going to give a damn about election...
  19. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    People in govt employment have service rules that prohibit them from criticizing the govt or its policies in public since it's a conflict of interest situation. One can ofcourse still exercise their freedom of speech even for such matters, but it comes with consequences. However, BJP has been...