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  1. Raghupati Pradhan

    WTB AMD Radeon GFX Card

    hi i want to buy a AMD Radeon 6670/7750, also have in good condition and warranty. please send details if u have any for sale. please help me i need urgent. Raghu
  2. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    crossbow Kya mast Collection.. ;)
  3. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    HMT Janta for am log? :p
  4. Raghupati Pradhan

    Review Courier Service Feedback

    flipkart pack it with low quality box and bludart handle with like shit.... bro here in odisha mostly bludart mishandle currior all time, once i visited there office and i see they throws currior. thats the reason all packagesare torn.
  5. Raghupati Pradhan

    DirectX 11.2 to be exclusive on Windows 8.1 and the Xbox One

    when this update come? i have not receive yet, i am using original btw.. :smug:
  6. Raghupati Pradhan

    Review Courier Service Feedback

    Bludart sucks these days, i ordered few books from flipkart, it arrives on time but the handling was crap. the box torn apart, my imported edition books :( . i complained and they done reverse pickup and refund my money after 17 days...
  7. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    i like those blurays honestly.. star wars ftw yar.. ;)
  8. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Great Escape is epic movie.. gz bro
  9. Raghupati Pradhan

    My 24TB Storage Box :)

    Killer instinct ^^
  10. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    he may download tons of torrents ^^ :p
  11. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    TVS Keyboard.. ;)
  12. Raghupati Pradhan

    Lumia 720 matte yellow

    good buy bhai...
  13. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Summer Fantasy haul
  14. Raghupati Pradhan

    Nokia Lumia 720

    super classic set he.. love it..:oops:
  15. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Grt buy Gannu Ji... :happy:
  16. Raghupati Pradhan

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Gratz everyone for cool stuff... ;)
  17. Raghupati Pradhan

    Marvelling the Marvels !

    omgggggggggggg.. epic bhai.. epic......... :nailbiting: looks like u loot the marvel universe.. :eek: