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    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Are switches in those razer as clicky as g304?
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    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Its great but dries every 3 months. Then i tried noctua nt-h2, it lasted over a year.
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    WTB Samsung galaxy tab s8 ultra or tab s7+ / s7 plus.

    Either of celluar or wifi only is ok. Should be 100% functional. PM me if anyone intrested in selling.
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    Might have bought from someone apart from appario. I got one with faded black color.. got the replacement in 3 days.
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    Striff had a bit flex in centre even under mild pressure. Dayzo is far more rigid. Have used both.
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    WTB Logitech g600 mouse

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    WTB Logitech g600 mouse

    Still available?
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    WTB Logitech g600 mouse

    All buttons should be working.
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    WTB iPad air 3 cellular

    Inbox me the price.