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    Happy birthday to our extremely eminent medpal

    Many Many Happy Returns of the Day Medpal. :)
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    Henry in for Barca

    Yep Sad he left,but its not a surprise ,was always on the cards. henry and maybe next season Wenger , arsenal are looking like they r goin down. But I hope they do well this season and hold on to the Champions league spot. BTW Saw this @ Espnstar Forums : 2001 Real Madrid - United 2002...
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    Sony Ericsson P990i

    Neat Review ! Neat Phone too :D
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    2mbps Unlimited from MTNL

    This is Good news. I may switch from my so called "Cablenet" to this :D
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Oceans 13 7/10 Sh00t3r 8/10
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    Currently Listening

    Kailash Kher - Jhoomo re - babam bam akad bam babam babam bam babam babam bam babam bam lehri :D
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    Happy B'day to the ROTM winner, SuperCzar

    Happy birthday! :)
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    Which application launcher are u using

    I use Turbolaunch. Agreed look is simple but like u said it has "various categories to add loads of shortcuts". Also it does not consume much resources like Objectdock etc.
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    Happy Birthday suhayl!!

    Many Many Happy Returns of the Day !
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    The Pc Ultimate Doctor:Tune Up Utility 2007

    Neat Review!!! :)
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    It is TB's happy birthday today!

    Happy Birthday TB !! :)
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    T.sonic 630 Vs 610

    Very nice Comparision :) Even i tht folder navigation on my 1GB T610 sucked ( i tht it was slow coz my 610 was FULL) . Strange tht FW updates dont seem to solve it. :@
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    IE7Pro 0.9.18

    ^ Well people would be using this IF they were using IE 7 :) Looks like an Interesting app ,even tho i havent heard much abt it .
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    Happy Birthday to TheMask

    Re: Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to TheMask Many Many happy returns of the day and a Happy Anniversary :)
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    TurboLaunch - Application Launcher [Must Try]

    Really Nice App ! Have installed it. Only 1.6MB too :) Thnx man .
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    Recommend: Good Burning Software !

    ^ya man the Nero 7 lite is ~30MB or so . Not at all bloated and it works well here :)
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    LOST - Season Finale

    hehe....ya Very good Season finale .....but they r doin it every season....drag the season for 20 episodes and then make the last 4 very good so ppl dont lose interest :@ Yep Prison Break i feel is currently "The Best Show" :) Even 24 seems to have lost its touch with season 6 ....... hope...
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    Juventus back in Serie A

    ^It wasnt 10-1,it was 8-3 (in the group stages) :) @ Quad look here : Champions League 2003-04
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    FS:Coolermaster Wavemaster + P4 Combo

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    FS:Coolermaster Wavemaster + P4 Combo
