Search results

  1. J

    WTB: USED 17" CRT in Bangalore

    Hi guys .. I want to buy a used 17" CRT Monitor. Bangalore sellers prefered . Interested sellers PM me . Reason for buying : well .. I am getting a new PC now and want to postpone my purchase of new LCD monitor by 2-3 months (kinda short on cash ) .
  2. J

    Crysis coming to PS3?

    this is all crap .. :no: just check out Cevat Yerli's (head of developement) interviews on web .. he said that consoles are piece of crap .. 512mb ram of ps3 wont cut it .. the amount of detail and texture in crysis can even make a monster pc crawl :bleh: (i am talking about high detail at...
  3. J

    Bangalore Pro Gaming Meet? Anyone?

    Hi peeps , if anyone of you have made your mind to come then pm me by today evening ..:D its not a big deal .. I do that every weekend :ohyeah: I dont have time to play on weekdays .. if you guys want the phone no of cafe just pm me ..
  4. J

    Bangalore Pro Gaming Meet? Anyone?

    those who are willing to drop by on this saturday PM me, and tell me if you are comfortable doing an allnighter .. its 150 bucks 10:30pm to 7:30am tell me in advance bocz i will have to book PC's for you and if you just drop there without advance booking on saturday you wont get a PC to play ...
  5. J

    Suggest a free MMROPG

    go buy WoW and play it .. you will love it .. and if you dont want to pay then .. you can play 2moons.. but its not open for registration for ppl outside US .. so if you have got any friend in US then tell to him create a user id and password .. and then download the client and start playing ..
  6. J

    Bangalore Pro Gaming Meet? Anyone?

    we can goto ESports ,Koramangala this saturday (19Jan) ... Its a nice gaming cafe .. charges joust 20bucks an hour and for food , US pizza is just downstairs so we can eat there or if you are lazy enough then you call them and order them to bring it upstairs .. and those who are willing to stay...
  7. J

    Monitors Which TFT LCD for Gaming ...

    Dude if you lemme borrow ur credit card:ohyeah: .. then why not .. .:bleh: I am building a PC only for gaming .. if I am not able to play games on widescreen .. then whats the use .. i can watch movies on my old P4 .. so just playing safe by taking opinion of peeps at TE .. I will mainly...
  8. J

    Graphic Cards How is the Zebronics 8800Gt 512?

    man what a deal .... go get it ...
  9. J

    Monitors Which TFT LCD for Gaming ...

    Hi guys .. please help me out in selecting a LCD display for my gaming rig .. my budget is 9k to 11k for the LCD ..and I have heard that not all games support widescreen resolutions(correct me if I am wrong ) so I want to get a 19" monitor with normal resolution(1280x1024 is fine...
  10. J

    CPU/Mobo TP35D3-A7 Deluxe

    dude you can get abit ip35 pro for 9.7 to 10k and abit ip35e for around 6.3k ip35 pro is one hell of an OC'er ...but i have no idea about ip35e .. so its all upto ur budget .. well if can afford it then go for abit ip35pro.. otherwise biostar board aint bad either .. .
  11. J

    Censor Board eyes games now

    @KingKrool lolz thats really :rofl: funny ...
  12. J

    Graphic Cards GeForce 9800 GX2 Pics & Specs

    [H] Enthusiast - GeForce 9800 GX2 Exclusive Pics & Specs Most surprising thing is Nvidia has not announced new architechture yet . Its been 1.5 years since last architecture refresh , and its all thanks to DAAMIT , their inablity to compete in top tier.Now Nvidia can take it slow and they can...
  13. J

    Graphic Cards 8800GS cometh !!

    Hardspell and Expreview - have gotten their hands on the GS version of the 8800 and ran some quickie tests. Expect full disclosure in coming days, but right now it’s shaping up to be a bit of a cruel joke on DAAMIT, as the performance and pricing on the 384MB 8800GS seems to hit the HD3850...
  14. J

    Graphic Cards 9600GT specs

    is it me .. or someone else has also noticed that starting post says no dx10.1 in 9600GT but in Daily tech its mentioned that D9M will have dx10.1 .. :huh: is there gonna be another mainstream part with dx10.1 , or its simply a typo on Dailytech site . any I dont care whether 9600 has dx10.1...
  15. J

    Graphic Cards Suggest a good GFX card ...

    if you are buying from India then go for 8600 gt if you cant afford to spend 4k more for a 8800gt , but if you are getting your card from US then you can go for hd3870 which is retailing for $220 (around 9k) but agian I will suggest you to go for 8800gt if you can afford to spend more ...
  16. J

    Which BB for playing CS online ?

    hi ppl , can you help me chosing a Broadband connection for playing games online, I play CS, DotA and want to play TF2 online .. also can you tell me how much bandwith will be enough for getting playable latency , a ping of 100-150 is good enough for me ...
  17. J

    Graphic Cards GeForce 8800GT Vs ATI HD 3850 & 3870

    yup i got the feeling .. awesome rig and also post the clocks of ur 8800gt if u are OCing it .. I too had the same config if had built the system 4-5 months back .. but I am getting ma new PC by Dec end .. then its gonna have q6600 and abit IP-35 pro .. rest almost same as urs ....
  18. J

    Graphic Cards GeForce 8800GT Vs ATI HD 3850 & 3870

    dude .. leave the trouble of getting 3870 from us and get a 8800 gt for 13k from India only...
  19. J

    Age of Empires 3

    yup bro agreed .. DotA rulz .. anywayz I also love RTs games .. and I play AoE2 , C&C , warhammer 40k-DoW, Warhammer 40k -DoW is my fav of these .. it has got its awesome pace and the game is all about war from the word 'go'.. used to play this one a lot in College days .. now I only play...
  20. J

    Graphic Cards GeForce 8800GT Vs ATI HD 3850 & 3870

    errr.... If I am not mistaken .. most of us live in India .. unless you import from US .. none of this value for money offered by HD3850 or 3870 is for us .. when I last checked prices online ( i am yet to go to SP Road to check them myself ), it was 14500 for 3850 and 16200 for 3870 from some...