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  1. dovakhiin

    Replacement for onboard sound card ?

    Hi guys, My onboard sound card on Sabertooth 990fx has stopped working. I used to have an Asus Xonar DGX but I sold it since I was experiencing a lot of noise when running my second card in Crossfire. I use sound mainly for gaming on my headphones. I am confused between these three options-...
  2. dovakhiin

    Rise of Tomb Raider - Discussion thread

    Microsoft has confirmed that the exculusivity is just temporary. TR will most likely make it's way to PC like Ryse and Dead Rising 3 will. PS4 is also a possibility, but since Ryse and Dead Rising 3 have not yet been announced for PS4, one can't be too sure...
  3. dovakhiin

    Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zero and Phantom Pain coming to PC(Steam)

    Awesome news! Finally I get to play MGS. Seeing quiet a few games like this nowadays. Exclusive to one console and PC. As a PC-only gamer I hope this keeps up.
  4. dovakhiin

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    You should be able to get them again somehow. Can't you try contacting customer services?
  5. dovakhiin

    Mortal Kombat X - Discussion Thread

    Raiden reveal was more impressive IMO. In case anyone missed it -
  6. dovakhiin

    Assassin's Creed: Unity - Discussion Thread

    Game looks stunning. Beautiful trailer and music.
  7. dovakhiin

    Rise of Tomb Raider - Discussion thread

    I think this won't be Xb1 exclusive for two long. It might be something like Ryse which is coming out for PC some time - Limited time Xbox exclusive, actually I hope it's like that. Keeping Tomb Raider away from PC is a crime really.
  8. dovakhiin

    Build Log : The ++Shad0wKnight++

    I was pretty unhappy with the H100i as well. Those fans are a lot noiser than the standard SP 120's. The software is shit like you guys have already said and hate having to waste a USB header for the link. The NZXT Kraken X60 was maybe a good alternative but you'll be watercooling soon anyway...
  9. dovakhiin

    Giveaway steam key for Just Cause

    Still available? pm'd you.
  10. dovakhiin

    Monitors Dell ST2220L DVI port issue

    You might have set a different refreah rate which only supports 1024x768
  11. dovakhiin

    Monitors Dell ST2220L DVI port issue

    Which card is it? Can you into your nvidia/amd control panel and check what the refresh rate is set to?
  12. dovakhiin

    Build Log : The ++Shad0wKnight++

    @dez. Are you using any cable sleeving? I'm finding hard to make out. Those look like the flat cables that come with RM 750. 9 euro sounds sweet. Which store did you order from?
  13. dovakhiin

    Monitors Dell ST2220L DVI port issue

    I have the same monitor. Can't say I've seen this happen before. When I used it first I was getting black borders with an nvidia card but reinstalling my driver fixed that. What happens when you try to switch resolution to 1080p is the option not available? Also how does the resolution behave...
  14. dovakhiin

    Build Log : The ++Shad0wKnight++

    Looking good :) Liked the chocolate box idea, gonna try it next time.
  15. dovakhiin

    Are CSE and IT same for B.E./B.Tech.?

    Try to get hold of placement statistics for the previous year in that college. You need to get in touch with someone there. If you see that IT students are getting decent placements go with that college. I would say go for the better college you will get more exposure and more opportunities.
  16. dovakhiin

    Guide Scrypt based Mining PC - Build Log & How To

    You could try an exchange like They will create a wallet for you and can buy bitcoins and use it elsewhere.
  17. dovakhiin

    Are CSE and IT same for B.E./B.Tech.?

    CSE and IT course are pretty much the same. Also one can even say that the IT course is better in many ways. What you need to look at is how the IT campus placements compared to CSE are in that college. Some tech companies hire CSE students only. But if you don't care about placements choose...
  18. dovakhiin

    Injustice: Gods Among Us - Discussion Thread

    @abhisheak - Congrats dude. Have fun :) @prabs - Read your previous posts. Yes even I found green arrow fun to play even though he was unfamiliar. About Subzero, Looking at the gameplay videos released till now I don't think he has teleport. Looks more like MK9 subzero.
  19. dovakhiin

    Injustice: Gods Among Us - Discussion Thread

    Sorry, my bad. I read it as PS3. Regardless of that my opinion about the game still stands. I think the story mode was bad but I have to mention that I only know the popular DC characters, so if you're more familiar with the DC universe like @prabs you might like it. I honestly feel quick time...
  20. dovakhiin

    Injustice: Gods Among Us - Discussion Thread

    Hi, I've played mortal kombat(made by same studio - Neatherealm) quiet a lot and I found injustice dissapointing. The fight system and story mode in Mortal Kombat 9 are way better in my opinion. Also, those quick time events were so hilariously stupid- If you want to try out a fight game I...