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  1. Lord Nemesis

    Where this country is heading - do you have any hope ? Since when did Twitter, a private opinionated platform become liable to maintain free speech? Pretty sure that Twitter doesn't allow any right wing extremest speech including from...
  2. Lord Nemesis

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!
  3. Lord Nemesis

    Went on a date with a femisnist, things went downhill. Lol

    Follow feminist reactions on false rape cases or just about any topic. Go through any feminist publications or videos for your proof. It should be quite easy since feminism has been quite vocal in its rhetoric. There is a vocal feminist professor named Judy Haiven who speaks at feminist events...
  4. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    You definitely can't make any changes like that in the first place.
  5. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    There are people who do pay lawyers to review agreements even in India. The charges depends on the lawyer, but personally, I have seen people pay 5-6K for such a review. There are also services like that offer document review by choice of your lawyer. A while ago. one of my...
  6. Lord Nemesis

    Give your fingerprints for Gym membership?

    They do mention that their devices use an optical sensor which means it has a CCD or CMOS just like in a digital camera. But that doesn't mean that it stores or transmits readable scans. What do you think happens in a typical digital camera? The data captured from the sensor through a processing...
  7. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    That's the problem. This is India where flyover's, bridge's falling down is not an uncommon thing and if you have sufficient money and power, everything can be managed. Just look at this case, these people only posted actual videos of the flat, but lodha took them to High court and the judge...
  8. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    If anyone is buying a flat without even reading the agreement, then they deserve every bit of what they get. When I booked my flat, I read through every word of not only the draft copy of agreement sent in e-mail but the final hard copy of it and even caught every place there was a difference...
  9. Lord Nemesis

    Give your fingerprints for Gym membership?

    After going into more details, it looks like image log feature is not related to the fingerprints at all. It is capturing a photo of the user in front of the device when the finger print scan is done. These event logs can be viewed by the administrator. Also, despite being equipped with optical...
  10. Lord Nemesis

    Give your fingerprints for Gym membership?

    ^^ Those are definitely using optical sensors which are considered insecure these days and easily spoofed. On top of that, some of the more premium models have an Image Log feature which I am guessing will leave a processed image. There is no indication that the image log is transmitted outside...
  11. Lord Nemesis

    New norms may freeze Flipkart, Amazon models

    Especially when he is liking sarcastic posts taking them seriously :rolleyes:
  12. Lord Nemesis

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    That's what happens when a regulator rushes out things like these in a half arsed manner. The DTH providers were forced to setup the page for channel selection by TRAI, which they did, but now no way to change the selection. TRAI didn't even specify what the protocol would be for effecting...
  13. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    The problem is that the flats were booked before anything was constructed. They have only the specs sheet to go by and Lodha made no mention about drywall usage. That is what I am trying to say. There are no guarentees that the structure itself is strong enough to not fall. Drywall is used to...
  14. Lord Nemesis

    Construction quality of Lodha's 3.5 Crore premium flat

    But one of the very reasons cited for drywall usage (on Saint Gobain website) is that you can compromise on the strength of the structure since the drywall is less than a 10th of the weight of a standard B&M wall. Drywalls are eight to ten times lighter than masonry walls, reducing the dead...
  15. Lord Nemesis

    Went on a date with a femisnist, things went downhill. Lol

    Just out of curiosity, is it you labeling these women you met as feminists based on your own perceptions or do they actively claim that they are feminists? No person self identifies with a group label unless their ideology itself is malleable to suit the groups agenda. Given what the most vocal...
  16. Lord Nemesis

    New norms may freeze Flipkart, Amazon models

    In case anyone has noticed, the eCOM policy has come into effect from 1st Feb. Cloudtail and Appario are gone from Amazon. Everything is selling at 20-30% higher prices or full MRP compared to Cloudtail/Appario. PS4 games that were available at 800-900 are selling for 1200-1500 and games that...
  17. Lord Nemesis

    Budget 2019 Tax Changes

    Whats new? Nothing is the success that the govt is pretending it to be. They are arm twisting to prevent statistical data from being released or even going to the extent of rewriting old statistics to make them look worse than they are. The interim budget read up looked more like a election...
  18. Lord Nemesis

    Went on a date with a femisnist, things went downhill. Lol

    No, you are mixing up equality proponents with feminists. They are not the same thing. Equality of gender, race, color, caste etc are an ideology. Feminism today is a political movement that has nothing to do with gender equality. Good and free thinking people (men or women) with ideologies...
  19. Lord Nemesis

    BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

    How to "celebrate" Gandhi's death anniversary with BJP leaders in tow.
  20. Lord Nemesis

    Budget 2019 Tax Changes

    1. No change in Tax slabs. However, some stupid people who don't know the difference between tax slabs and tax rebates are celebrating assuming that that the tax rebate for those with income under 5 lac is applicable to everyone. Tax rebates are selective and covered under u/s 87A. Previously...