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  1. I

    Check this track out

    Hey guys, check out this little track at What do you think of this guy's voice ? Think he's capable of making it big ? Regards Inzider
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    The Big Divide: ABCD vs. FOB

    It’s Saturday night, and I find myself at one of those very trendy South Asian singles events. I’m in line at the bar, when a certain someone catches my eye. I lean in his direction and strain to hear his voice. What am I listening for? His accent, of course! Everyone knows...
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    The Travails of Single South Indian men...

    Found on the IIM-A student board..."The Travails of Single South Indian men of conservative upbringing" or "Why we don't get any..." Yet another action packed weekend in Mumbai, full of fun, frolic and introspection. I have learnt many things. For example having money when none of your friends...
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    Microsoft's "monkeys" find first zero-day exploit

    Microsoft 's experimental Honeymonkey project has found almost 750 Web pages that attempt to load malicious code onto visitors' computers and detected an attack using a vulnerability that had not been publicly disclosed, the software giant said in a paper released this month.... Source ...
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    'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

    It's long, but so worth it :) Regards, Inzider -- Source:Email Stanford Report, June 14, 2005 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. I am...
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    TE Rocks

    Hello all, Most of you know me, and those who don't, know me as well :P I'm Inzider, aka Inzi. Just logged in for the second time here, and i must say, this place rocks. Much better than most other places i've seen. Rock on guys, i knew you could do it. :) Regards Inzider
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    Yellow all

    Hey all, I know most of you guys pretty well. This place looks neat, and no, Rave didn't ask me to come here :P Hope to enjoy myself here :) Regards Inzider