Search results

  1. D

    Graphic Cards Why does Palit have different SKUs for same card ?

    I wanted to ask: Why does Palit release several "versions" of the same card? For example, Palit's GeForce GTX 550 Ti and GTX 560 OC cards have three known SKUs, with different PCB and/or cooler designs. The thing is that if we read the review of some card and then we get a different PCB or...
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    Help needed setting up IPMSG in Vista

    Well, I'm connected by cable internet through Exattnet (in Anushaktinagar). Its just a simple cable connecting to my NIC, no routers involved. We use a specific IP range over here to chat with people at IP messenger. In Windows XP this was no problem at all, I would just set the IP address...
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    PC Peripherals Help with budget 5.1 speakers...

    I'm sorry if this is a rehash of an older thread, I have not been on TE for a while now....studies and new people have taken up the majority of my time these days :( I was thinking of getting a new 5.1 speaker set and currently in my price range I have these options: 1) Creative Inspire T6060...
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    TOI article - NFS, Max Payne, Half Life are MMORPGs

    I am SO SICK of the idiotic media here. They don't seem to have any brain. The only purpose they seem to serve anymore is to give some comedy episodes on certain issues from time to time, such as this particular article from TOI: When gamers hit it off with virtual women-India-The Times of...
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    Help with xXx logo

    Hello guys, I was wondering if any of you could help me. I want some variations of the xXx movies logo (You know, the secret agent movies starring Vin Diesel and Ice Cube). Logo only, I want to use it as a forum avatar (not here, somewhere else). Size doesn't really matter, but the logo should...
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    Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 free till June 21, 2007

    Well, you heard it, Computeractive is offering a full commercial version of Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 for free as a download. The offer expires on June 21 so get it quick! :) Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 - Computeract!ve The latest version of Ashampoo Burning Studio is 7.0 but this version is...
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    Raining in Mumbai!

    As I write this at 3:59 AM in the morning, I am seeing that in my colony (Anushaktinagar) in Mumbai, there is fairly moderate rain at this moment! YAY! THE RAINS ARE FINALLY HERE! :hap2: Edit: Now the rains have become fairly heavy and lots of lightning and thunder as well! :ohyeah:
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    Exam results tomorrow

    Hello guys, As many of you know I'm only 15 years old, and I just gave my 10th std. board exams under CBSE board. I'm pretty darn scared about the results (releasing Monday at 8AM), and on Tuesday it will be 14 days since my friend contracted chickenpox, so I may get it on that day as well (BTW...
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    Question for doctors here on TE - Fast answer will be appreciated!

    Hello guys, One of my very good friends contracted Chicken pox 5 days ago (Tuesday). He had come to my house with another friend that day, and he did not have any symptom of having the disease at that time. I suppose the symptoms appeared only during the night or something. I am a teenager and...
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    Mistranslations and their consequences

    Read it...:D Losing Something in Translation...
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    A medical question

    Okay, I hope this one doesn't turn out the same way as my previous thread did, and I hope THIS is a better topic to talk about. Well, we see nowadays that some viruses and bacteria which cause diseases are growing resilient to drugs. Now the question I ask is: When these tiny bacteria and...
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    Body hair removal and cosmetics

    Eh, this may be a sensible topic, but I'm seriously trying to find out the how and why of this. I see this becoming more and more common every day. I used to think that only celebrities used to remove thier body hair (arms, legs, underarms, and some other areas..ehh) but nowadays the girls in my...
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    PC Peripherals Logitech X-530 - Where to buy?

    Hello everyone, I was looking at the Logitech X-530, but I am unaware of any places where I can buy this one. I also looked at the Inspire T6060, but I think I prefer the Logitech better. Does someone know of any vendor in Lamington Road, Mumbai who sells the Logitech X-530 model of speakers...
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    It seems iBall has launched a new model of speakers in the market named the Booster 5.1. Strange thing is, I get it around Rs.3000 and it seems to have somewhat decent specifications for that price. Now thats strange to me. Anyway, after fishing for info on it, here's what I got from an iBall...
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    Question regarding import duty

    Hello everyone :) I recently ordered a PC game from an online shop and was told that it had shipped. Now it will take some time for delivery, but I am concerned whether I'll have to pay any customs or import duty? Its a single game costing about Rs.1500.
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    Need your help, guys!

    Hey everyone :) Its been a really long time since I was last on TE. I've been busy with studies and games in the meantime (the good ol' 6800GT handles stuff decently enough). I need to buy a few games which I do not seem to be getting at any outlet in Mumbai. The game I am looking to buy is ...
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    PC Peripherals Advise on sound card purchase

    Hey everyone, I want to purchase a sound card. Price range should be within 2.5k and the brand should not be Creative. Can anyone help me? If possible, list the phone numbers of the vendors selling it as well. Thanks, Darth
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    Graphic Cards Kind of an old question but....

    Hello guys, I was planning to purchase an interim graphics card to hold me till the DX10 games arrive. I've finally come at two choices: 1)GeForce 6800XT at 11.5K 2)Radeon X800 vanilla at about 14K Which of these is better? Which is more future proof? Thanks, Infernus :)
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    PC Peripherals "Jacking Up" My Mouse

    OK, so I've got myself a Logitech G1 mouse, it uses the same sensor as the Logitech MX510, and runs at 800DPI. After installing Logitech SetPoint, now I'd like to know whether there is something I should do to "optmize" its movement for gaming nirvana (its already nice though) :D So, can anyone...
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    Windows 95 Source code

    /* TOP SECRET Code (c)Microsoft 1994-95 Project: Chicago(TM) Projected release-date: Summer 1994, Spring 1995 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <conio.h> #include "win31.h" #include "evenmore.h" #include "oldstuff.h" #include "billrulz.h" /* Reference: Internal memo...