Search results

  1. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming BUILD ADVICE and PRICE idea

    Hello guys.. Trying to make a pc rig My budget: 40-45k Parts i have: Monitor - VIEWSONIC VA1912WB Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer) Mumbai [My dad's friend knows some one or else i can go to lamington road - please give me advice how to ensure that what i buy from there...
  2. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    Hello people, just found out this site and here's my first post Just finished 12th so i am looking forward to buy my own gaming rig :D My dad gave me a budget of 40k but i am sure he will extend it to 45k and also ill ask some from sis/mom :p so max is 50-52k What is your budget? 50k What is...