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    PC Peripherals HELP switching to a higher memory

    ashokk_15, what's the chipset? I had a Mercury/Kobian board once and it used SDRAM. If thats the case, you're better off buying second hand as SDRAMs are hard to find and probably will cost more than DDR2.
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    Wise Registry Cleaner 1.9

    Will try it. Thanks.
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    Graphic Cards GeForce 8000-series Launch Dates, Prices

    From the reviews so far, performance of these cards is lacking. Don't think they're gonna be as big a hit as 6600gt/7600gt.
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    Graphic Cards why graphic card prices are high in india??

    From what I know there's extra tax to import PCB based electronics-something like 30% more.
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    Graphic Cards Omega drivers.. to use or not to use?

    I've had problems running with Omega drivers on OpenGL based games. Besides, there's not much of an improvement on the original drivers. Haven't tried NGO though.
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    Hi all.

    Heloo. New to the forums. Nice site you got here.:hap2: