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  1. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    its true if overclocking is bought into the picture howver am not looking to do so straightaway.. anyways thanks again
  2. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    The point was to get suugestions for mobo since i already had the processor (in fact hv 2 of it Q6600 & Q8200) but i guess v r simply beating round the bush.. anyways don wanna catch u guys on the wrong note since it wouldn help either of us..
  3. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    its not my passtime to ask for suggestions. i had one simple query and since it was not answered i reiterated my point that i would like to stick to the configuration i mentioned except for the doubts on the Mobo which i guess none of you guys helped me with yet !!!!! and ya , before you go...
  4. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    thanks for that info mate..wasnt aware about tht. but as i said if there is any better options for mobo then please help me on the same as m still confused a bit :huh:
  5. M

    Galaxy GTX275 Overclocked @ 13500

    so did u get 1 !!?
  6. M

    Galaxy GTX275 Overclocked @ 13500

    is d sale still ON ?
  7. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU den cud u guys help me wid d config.. d point is i wud prefer Intel Quad and a GTX 260..if der is ne suggestions on Mobo suitable 4 d same.. thnx newys
  8. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    thnx for d most practical n economical suggestions unfortunately m a newbie n hvn tried my hands on OCing yet n dunno if i ll hv d opportunity to do so.. n tht apart i ll b usin d system extensively (d PC is gonna b ON for almst 24 hrs) n thruout it ll b subjected heavy usage since i...
  9. M

    PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU

    Hi, dis is d config i hv selcted for a new CPU..hv a max. budget of 32k and hv alrdy got things like HDD, optical drive etc. pl help me choose a right Mobo as i ll need d rest of the components mentioned since its for Multimedia usage.. also a bit more help in choosin d right graphics card wud...