PC Peripherals Suggestions for a New CPU


Hi, dis is d config i hv selcted for a new CPU..hv a max. budget of 32k and hv alrdy got things like HDD, optical drive etc. pl help me choose a right Mobo as i ll need d rest of the components mentioned since its for Multimedia usage..
also a bit more help in choosin d right graphics card wud b appreciated ..

Thnx a lot

Quad Core Q8200 8875
MSI P45 Neo - F 5375
Corsair TWIN2X2048-6400 2200
Palit GTX 260 SP216 11300 or
Sapphire HD4870 1GB DDR5 13250
PoweSafe 400W SilverSMPS 1200
^ AMD slashed prices, go for X4 810, X4 920 + Biostar 790GX. RAM - G.Skill PI Black

Sapphire also revised GPU pricing, 4870 1GB is 11.5k~ now

and CM 590 @ 4k~ is better. NZXT mainstream cases have poor built quality.

Buy better SMPS, Corsair VX 450W.
Here is the config u look forward !!

AMD phenom 2 940 - OCing processor

Asus M4A78-E - 790G/SB750 // Gigabyte MA790GP-UD4H

PALIT GTX 260 sonic

Corsair VX550

Zebronics cabinet (Get modded by urself )
unlocking is not guaranteed. Nowadays mobo manufacturers are releasing mobos with newer BIOS which cant unlock cores.

Get a sapphire HD 4870 512 MB. It has real vfm @ 9.2k shipped. Its just 10~12% slower than a GTX 260 or 48701GB. [48701GB sapphire is 11200 shipped]

So best bang for the buch is choosing a PII 940 BE@ 10k. With the PII, u can OC similar on a 780 as on a 790. Have seen people with Asus M3A 78-Em and PII 550 touching 3.9 easily.

SO pair a good 780G mobo with a PII 940BE.

For PSU, get Glacial AL 650AA for 4.8k. Better than VX 450 for 4.2k considering price-performance ratio.
i didne mea to go for M3A 78-Em. Its micro ATX, so upgradibility is limited.

There are other Gigabyte ATX 780G mobo, with all solid caps and rock solid stability and gr8 oc options and still cheaper than premium 790 mobos.

If he can extend his budget, then first thing he has to consider is to get a 790GX mobo instead of 780. But dun compromise on CPU like a good 790 mobo wit X4 810 or x3 720, as 780 with X4 940BE is more fruitful than a 790 with X4 810.
thnx for d most practical n economical suggestions guys..bt unfortunately m a newbie n hvn tried my hands on OCing yet n dunno if i ll hv d opportunity to do so.. n tht apart i ll b usin d system extensively (d PC is gonna b ON for almst 24 hrs) n thruout it ll b subjected heavy usage since i wrk on applications like MAYA n 3DS Max..n as wid d exp. of ATI n AMD goes d PC tends to heat up to a large extent..so i guess its out of ques. again i appreciate ur efforts in givin me better options bt if ne1 cn gimme sum suggestions on d parts i ve mentioned i'd appreciate tht..
ATI n AMD goes d PC tends to heat up to a large extent..

Totally wrong ! AMD newer gens of processor are quite power conservative and runs cooler..The heating problem was only present in AMD 754 socked based processors which was released way back and now nowhere in the picture :p Even Intel Pentium and Pentium D has heating problem does it stop users for buying a Pentium or an Intel ?

AMD runs as cooler as Intel's counterpart and if you are not intending to OC AMD processor will save more power than those of Intle's //
very true.

The new Phenom II idles at an avg of 30~35c and max goes to 40~45c.

The 940BE comes with a bundled heatpipe + copper base heatsink, which does its job great.
ok..bt den cud u guys help me wid d config.. d point is i wud prefer Intel Quad and a GTX 260..if der is ne suggestions on Mobo suitable 4 d same.. thnx newys
maxgforce39 said:
ok..bt den cud u guys help me wid d config.. d point is i wud prefer Intel Quad and a GTX 260..if der is ne suggestions on Mobo suitable 4 d same.. thnx newys

Ur wish. Lga 775 will be phased out in coming months.
Budget for intel motherboard???

Besides I love guardian even with all its quirks. post pics when u buy it plz.
Gowt1ham said:
Ur wish. Lga 775 will be phased out in coming months.
Budget for intel motherboard???

Besides I love guardian even with all its quirks. post pics when u buy it plz.
thanks for that info mate..wasnt aware about tht. but as i said if there is any better options for mobo then please help me on the same as m still confused a bit :huh:
SidhuPunjab said:
^ AMD slashed prices, go for X4 810, X4 920 + Biostar 790GX. RAM - G.Skill PI Black

Sapphire also revised GPU pricing, 4870 1GB is 11.5k~ now

and CM 590 @ 4k~ is better. NZXT mainstream cases have poor built quality.

Buy better SMPS, Corsair VX 450W.

You should read your thread before asking for suggestion again and again..

Ohh and by the way Phenom II 9XX is far better than Q8XXX, PII 9XX are in competition with Q94XXX
Dark Star said:
You should read your thread before asking for suggestion again and again..

Ohh and by the way Phenom II 9XX is far better than Q8XXX, PII 9XX are in competition with Q94XXX

its not my passtime to ask for suggestions. i had one simple query and since it was not answered i reiterated my point that i would like to stick to the configuration i mentioned except for the doubts on the Mobo which i guess none of you guys helped me with yet !!!!!

and ya , before you go about another round of convincing me to go for AMD let me tell you i have already got the Intel processor. So u might as well ignore this thread than teach people about the DO's and Dont's.
^^Go on then.. What's the point of starting a thread...

Get the Q8200 . I wonder what good it will serve at its price point :p It can't even beat X3 720 ..
Dark Star said:
^^Go on then.. What's the point of starting a thread...

Get the Q8200 . I wonder what good it will serve at its price point :p It can't even beat X3 720 ..
The point was to get suugestions for mobo since i already had the processor (in fact hv 2 of it Q6600 & Q8200) but i guess v r simply beating round the bush..

anyways don wanna catch u guys on the wrong note since it wouldn help either of us..