Search results

  1. M

    Audio Wireless Headphones with mic

    what is a 3k budget in the US?
  2. M

    Audio Headphones

    I ended up going with the Turbines, love 'em, but it figures like a week later they would come out with these new Turbine Pro's. Oh well, still some awesome headphones.
  3. M

    Audio Headphones

    The beats are a little high. Monster (which makes the beats, too) has some lower priced buds called Turbines that I've heard good things about. Supposed to provide super clear quality over all ranges - anyone tested these? Monster® Turbine™ High Performance In-Ear Speakers™
  4. M

    Audio Headphones

    upwards of 200 or so.
  5. M

    Audio Headphones

    What are some of the best in-ear headphones out there. I like good sound and can definitely tell the difference between a good headphone and a stock headphone, and I'm looking for a little more power and bass.
  6. M

    Currently Listening

    grails - belgian wake-up drill
  7. M

    MS Excel Query

    i think you can just copy and paste it can't you?
  8. M

    how to play Fifa 08 through Hamachi?

    step 1. wait for fifa 10 to come out.