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  1. S

    Monitors What pc Monitor should I buy?

    [URGENT] Configuration is : graphics card: Powercolor HD 4850 1gb power: Corssair 750 Watts I need a pc monitor within the range Rs. 6000 to Rs. 7000. What monitor is best for me , please give exact model number. Thanks in advance.
  2. S

    PC Peripherals Urgent help required for a New PC

    sorry for leaving out sum of that vital information... i5 is available but having way too many issues with the foxconn sockets...makes no sense to get it really thanks for ur replies so 550vx will be enuff for my monitor,2 hdds and gfx cards and a sound/tv tuner card? is the stock cooler...
  3. S

    PC Peripherals Urgent help required for a New PC

    Hi, I am buying my system today, I need help.. Processor - Phenom 965BE 3.4 ghz Mobo - ?? Ram - Want to go for any 1600 module of (2 x 2 gb each) (if any of the mobo/combinations support 1600...or should I just take 1066?) GPU - ATI HD4850 PSU -...