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    WTB M2 SSD TO usb convertor

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    WTB M2 SSD TO usb convertor

    Need a M2 SSD to USB convertor. Looking to buy today
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    31-40k CPU for Office use. Can buy from USA

    Thank you so much for a comprehensive reply, greatly appreciated. Helped me understand a lot. Always wondered about the working of mini pc+monitor combo I see, never took the pain to learn about it. You gave a very clear explanation. I was looking at a desktop because I believe desktop
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    31-40k CPU for Office use. Can buy from USA

    1. What's the advantage of this mini PC except size? Any disadvantages like expensive spares? 2. Will prefer to buy in India if difference is less for warranty concerns 3. For my use is this configuration overkill?
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    31-40k CPU for Office use. Can buy from USA

    Thank you. When I say CPU I mean desktop sans monitor, keyboard and mouse. Will a entry level like i3 or ryzen 3 2200g comfortably support a dual monitor setup . I am going for a new one after 7 years, have a firstgen corei7 based system now. Will inanle to use the SSD I have, it's...
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    31-40k CPU for Office use. Can buy from USA

    What is your budget? 40K What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model) None Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model) Monitor - LG 29UM69G SSD SAMSUNG V nand SSD 850 EVO Which hardware component are you...
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    What to Buy from China or Singapore

    Not interested in gaming unfortunately. Anything Else?
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    What to Buy from China or Singapore

    Thats definitely in the list, already decided !!! I need advice about electronics, help me with that. Please?
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    What to Buy from China or Singapore

    A relative is visting China and Singapore. I can use 1. Powerful wifi-Routers for multiple devices and with 100 feet reach (10-15 devices) 2. 1 27 inch monitor for long hours usage (no graphic intensive work. Just normal office work) Any other things which offer great price advantage can...
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    Ceiling Fan needed.

    Have this Crompton Greaves High Speed 1200 mm CEILING FAN White I bought it locally at Rathna Fan house, Chennai but snapdeal too offers it at competitive prices. I have two of these in a 170sqft room and it's great.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    motog2 3 days old. 100% brand new with bill.
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    Other Dropped MOTOG2 in water

    Chennai. The phone is in a bowl of rice for the past 3 days. Let me check in few more days!
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    Other Dropped MOTOG2 in water

    Did you do this for motog2? If yes or even if the answer is no can you point me to the seller you bought from. Also how is the performance of the replacement? Any tips for doing this.
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    Other Dropped MOTOG2 in water

    It's been 15 days since I dropped it and I got it cleaned of water in a repair centre. Before cleaning it I was able to see water in the camera lens. I will try keeping it in a bag of rice for few days and report back. Also saw few threads of people buying from aliexpress and replacing the...
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    Other Dropped MOTOG2 in water

    Dropped motog2 in water for few seconds. Got it cleaned by nearby repair center within few hours. Was able to see water in rear camera lens before cleaning it. Was in different city and did not do repairs. Now, touch is not working but display is working. Is it possible to repair touch alone...
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    Other Screen Guard and White FLIP cover for Moto G2

    Can you guys please suggest me some flipcover and screenguard options for motog2