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    Budget 90k+ Which of these has better screen

    Budget is such that I can max afford a M4800-M5100-FHD (which means M3800 or M4800-K2100 or M4800-QHD etc. are out of budget. Well, this is not my budget but my company's who will provide me this laptop ;)) My main purpose of laptop (in priority) = Software Development (not AutoCad.. Just .NET)...
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    Budget 90k+ Which of these has better screen

    Hi, I'm looking to buy one from following 3 laptops. Could you please rate them 1-2-3 (good-better-best) in terms of a. Display b. cooling I know neither has best of the display (with M3800 and other laptops around). However, for some org policy reasons, I've only these three options to...
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    Monitors Need help on picking monitor

    U2311 is quite popular but has no HDMI and 8ms Response time. Rest is all good with it... I a slightly more inclined towards G2420HD as it has amazing reviews where ever I see