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  1. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  2. bigb123

    0-20k Spare Parts for Laptop

    laptop spare parts are available on indiamart. but mind you most of them are refurbished and they have longevity issues. they give up sooner than you think. plus the warranty available for such spare parts is 2-3 months and not all vendors honor warranty. would not recomment going this route.
  3. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  4. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  5. bigb123

    Daily Motivation and Self-help

    @mayank4823 Stay strong, brother, and hold on tight. The world can be harsh, and life is never easy. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and we have no choice but to confront them. Better days are ahead. Hope is the key to overcoming hardship.
  6. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  7. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  8. bigb123

    The Office (U.S.) - Memes

    @mods pls merge this thread with ongoing memes thread. Thank you. @puns
  9. bigb123

    Windows 11 - End of service after update

    If you get an error code while downloading and installing Windows updates, the Update Troubleshooter can help resolve the problem. Select Start > Settings > System > Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters. Next, under Most frequent, select Windows Update > Run. When the troubleshooter is...
  10. bigb123

    Review 6 Months with the CAT S22 Flip – My Experience

    Is the flip hinge joint strong enough to survive kids or occasional falls? Or is it like other flip phones handle hinge with care. I too want to own one no-nonsense rugged phone as daily driver. But my kids are brutal and I think a normal flip phone wont see another day.
  11. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  12. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  13. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  14. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  15. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  16. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  17. bigb123

    Anyone tried the cheaper versions of expensive perfumes?

    I doubt these viral cheap perfumes are nothing but chinese knockoffs ... Easy business model....import from china, market on social media...Who knows what carcinogenic and hazardous chemicals are being used to make these duplicates....
  18. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  19. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread

  20. bigb123

    Daily Memes Thread