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  1. H

    2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

    If this would have had windows 7 and even what not but would not have been legal - I would not have taken this.
  2. H

    2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

    Also I think for the current offer - you have to spend $32 atleast. Correct ? So better to spend $55 and get all legal - why save $20 wrongly. Is there any other deal running for windows 7 too ? - would be good to know. As I think no windows 7 included here.
  3. H

    2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

    I think you guys are doing it wrong. kuduku - I have searched for the legality and this is for students only ($32 for IEEEE as well). AND you are enrolling AS pretending to be STUDENTS. Correct me if I am mistaken. See this - Pic for ieee (which only is...
  4. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    Heres one statement by presumably an intel staff only - Ivy Bridge i3 release date?: Ivy Bridge i3 release date? - CPUs - CPU-Components We held off the release of the 3rd generation Intel® Core™ i3's processors to make sure that we able to meet the demands of the higher end...
  5. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    Is it true that sandy bridge doesnot support 1600Mhz ram DDR3 ? Should i wait for the ivy bridge i3 ? Will ivy bridge i3 accept my GPU nvidia GT430, or disable it like A8 amd apu will ? and will the ivy bridge i3 be available in india in how much delay after its launched in usa and at...
  6. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    I would like to see any more suggestions. I dont want to OC as it increases cost that would have been paid by me, but its not worth in cost terms, when i dont want to do any gaming / encoding. SO basically Intel Core i5 3550 ~13500/- Intel DH77-KC ~7000/- total 20k for cpu and mobo ...
  7. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    Cant there be a lower cpu + mobo for any other i5. Well minimum 20k that has been suggested, seems to be a bit high. Whats the cheapest i5 available ? And can no other i5's be OCed at all - except the unlocked version "K" ? And as i said - "Also if there's a slightly low equivalent amd...
  8. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    Ok aplha, here's the questions part - Questions Q: What is your budget? No minimum - but just would like the best BUDGET config, for very nice performance. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model) CPU - AMD 630...
  9. H

    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    Guys, Unlike the title saying Budget 31-40k, consider that i dont have any minimum budget that have to spend 31k atleast to the minimum. Would just want the best config (read details above), but at NOT THE CHEAPEST price, BUT STILL YEAH - a not much expensive cost. Otherwise, i could have just...
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    Budget 31-40k Best performing Core i5 build for OK price and best but inexpensive mobo for a quad

    I was thinking of buying an i3, as it's considered quite good in the mid range segment. But would like to get a quad only, for better future proofing. Would be using the system for mainly surfing, and general usage (some multitasking) - little video encoding and little gaming really ( not the...
  11. H

    PC Peripherals IS 1600Mhz 8GB DDR3 "MUCH MUCH" better than 400Mhz DDR2 8GB - BUT COST FACTOR HERE

    Whenever my pc starts becoming slow, i close everything and logoff logon (ALTHOUGH NEVER WANT TO logoff from the current state of opened apps, as have to reopen everything. So whenever slowness starts i do that - so didn't post the pic to the system task manager under load. And buying second...
  12. H

    PC Peripherals IS 1600Mhz 8GB DDR3 "MUCH MUCH" better than 400Mhz DDR2 8GB - BUT COST FACTOR HERE

    It is mainly surfing and general usage - not gaming much. Although have to say - i keep open some like 8-12 softwares open most of the time - like pim software, 2 browser windows with 25+ tabs each, some or more explorer window folders, and likewise. DO also tell me what will i gain from...
  13. H

    PC Peripherals IS 1600Mhz 8GB DDR3 "MUCH MUCH" better than 400Mhz DDR2 8GB - BUT COST FACTOR HERE

    IS 1600Mhz 8GB DDR3 ram - much much better than a 400Mhz DDR2 8gb ram ? I want to get more memory. I have a AMD X4 630 right now with 3GB DDR2 @400MHZ. I could buy the ddr3 but for that i will have to leave this system at all and just buy a new whole system - around minimum Rs 17,000 for...