2400 mhz

  1. psyph3r

    FS: RAM Hynix 16GB DDR4-2400 SODIMM

    SKU: Hynix HMA82GS6AFR8N-UH 16GB DDR4-2400 https://www.datasheets.com/en/part-details/hma82gs6afr8n-uh-sk-hynix-inc-101172628 No Bill, Box, warranty. 7 days testing warranty. 1600 Shipped
  2. awestorr

    FS: RAM 2x 4gb DDR4 3200mhz Micron ram Laptop

    Product Name: Micron MTA4ATF51264HZ-3G2J1 Expected Price: Rs 1200 Shipping charges: actuals Manufacturer page URL: https://www.mouser.in/ProductDetail/Micron/MTA4ATF51264HZ-3G2J1?qs=0lSvoLzn4L%2BxMwfYP24jBQ== Description if any: taken out from hp laptop. Although the module is 3200mhz, runs at...
  3. Skyh3ck

    FS: RAM Crucial 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz laptop RAM

    Crucial 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz laptop RAM Was using this RAM in my Lenovo laptop RAM, laptop now sold hence selling. I have the bill from Amazon, will be provided to intrested buyer on request. Purchased in July 2020, it comes with 10 years of warranty from purchase so warranty till 2030 Expected...