
  1. R

    51-70k What can be improved in my build

    Cpu: Ryzen 5500 (rs 7k) Mobo: asus prime-II k b450m (4.1k) Gpu: sapphire rx 6600 (18.5k) ram: 2x8gb 3200mhz (2.4k) SSD: 1TB crucial P3 plus (4.6-4.7k) Cabinet: Ant eSports elite 1100 (2.25k) Psu: corsair 550watt bronze (3.5k) Monitor: msi pro mp251 100hz, 1ms, adaptive sync with speakers (6.3k)...
  2. avanildutta

    90K+ Please help me choose parts for a new build.

    Hello everyone, I am here to ask for some advice that I need to build a new PC. Mostly will be buying the parts online preferably during upcoming Amazon/Flipkart Sale which I suppose should start within 1 months time. Currently using a PC that was build around 5/6yrs back comprising of an Ryzen...
  3. AgentBane

    Help: NR200P Max fan not working

    Hi All, I have recently bought NR200P Max case and build my pc around on this case but for some reason one the fans connectors are not working even though I have connected all the fan both 3 Pin & 4 Pin connectors to Mobo. I am confused how if I have connected something wrong on from the case...
  4. salian

    Movies & TV 3D-printed "TV" using Raspberry Pi Zero and 2.8 inch waveshare LCD

    Source: https://withrow.io/simpsons-tv-build-guide-waveshare (Build Guide and STLs) An interesting 3D printed "TV" that uses a Raspberry Pi Zero and a 2.8 inch LCD screen. It is preloaded with episodes, has volume control etc. Simpsons fans will recognise it as the TV from the show.
  5. S

    41-50k PC build around AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G APU

    I am still waiting for the APU processor to be available for buying. Meanwhile can I get a PC build around this APU within 50k budget? The reason I'm going with is processor is because I want urgent pc for my game designing and development course, which involves to run unity3d and blender. This...