
  1. Slayer88

    FS: Others Face Masks

    Would like to donate 25 (trying for more) of these masks to someone who volunteers in a non-profit or social service group. Please ping me. These are all unused, some are red a few pink ones, for women :)
  2. N

    URGENTLY need Tocilizumab injection in Delhi

    Can somebody please help me with getting this in Delhi... Called up all distributors from Delhi and Gurgaon it's either not available or they're simply not answering any calls. Tried few other pharmacies as well. They don't pick up calls anymore. Patient is in PSRI hospital Delhi. Distributors...
  3. Ramadhir Singh

    Health & Fitness Corona is in full swing and its not Joke !

    I am going through hell of a time period of my life (not comfortable sharing detail in internet). I'm completely crushed Mentally, Physically as well as Financially only because of my one step and with no fault of mine. I just wanted to remind everyone CORONA is no joke. and its pretty much...
  4. maj0r

    Contact Tracing app "Aarogya Setu" is now opensource

    Indian Government made Aarogya Setu app is now opensource. Epic move. Link: Source: PS...
  5. AliceMartin

    New at Tech Enclave community

    Hey Community Members, Hope you are doing great at home in this crucial Covid-19 crisis. I’m Alice Martin. I’m a web developer living in India. I am a fan of technology, design, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in writing and programming. Hope This journy will be wonderful and...