cpu 8-pin psu cable modular power

  1. TechnologyHell

    FS: Others Cable Mods for PC : AsiaHorse Nylon Braided Cable Extensions

    Product Name: ASIAHORSE 18AWG PSU Cable Extension Sleeved PSU Cables Expected Price: Rs 2500 Shipping charges : At Actuals Manufacturer page URL...
  2. techno_dude911

    FS: Others External GPU dock and sleeved psu cables for sale!!

    ~~1) EXP GDC Beast 8.5c external gpu dock Comes with mini-pcie cable and m.2 adapter Used once with a 1050ti and it worked fine~~ Price: ₹1100 2) ANT Esport Sleeved cabled Used in my build for a year Comes with cpu and gpu sleeved cables The 2 cables on the right were used for an year, rest...
  3. C

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Selling my PSU extension cable kit with extra custom cables.

    Selling my PSU cable extension kit since I am getting a full custom cable kit done for my modular PSU. This is an extended kit, that has an extra 8-pin pice power cable and an extra CPU power cable too. Used at best for 1.5 months when I had to switch my GPU, at that time I stopped using them...
  4. Slayer88

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Ant E Sports Sleeved Cable Extension kit (red white black)

    2x6 pin GPU cable 2x8 pin GPU cable 1x24 pin MB cable 1x8 pin CPU cable Bill upon request.
  5. Slayer88

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding NZXT Sleeved 8 pin GPU Cable

    2x 8 pin sleeved cable Have a 24pin one too, but it's currently on hold along with the PSU, for a friend. LMK if you'd like to be in line for that.
  6. ravihpa

    WTB CPU 8-Pin PSU power cable (modular PSU).

    Hey guys, I'm interested in buying a good quality 8-pin to 8-pin CPU PSU power cable. I have attached pics. If you have a spare one, then do let me know. Also, if anyone is able to find this available for sale on any website, then please do let me know. Thanx :)