dualshock 3

  1. K

    FS: Others FS Original Black DS3 in perfect working condition and TP Link AC750 mesh wifi extender

    Dualshock 3 1850 Plus shipping (Not negotiable) Extender (with Bill and warranty) - 1100 plus shipping (Used for a month max) Tomb Raider HD collection - 500 plus shipping Kept extra ds3's handy just in case but putting it up since I don't game anymore. Why simply destroy something so rare...
  2. K

    FS: Games Original Dualshock 3 PS3 controllers and some ps3 games.

    > Prices, I usually price very reasonably but these might be on the higher side since dualshock 3s are some of the rarest accessories in the world nowadays: Gold - 1900 Black - 1600 Red - 500 Gow A - 350 Tomb Raider Triology - 350 Fantastic 4 - 100 Killzone 3 - 50 > Gold is in impeccable...
  3. FXGalvatron

    WTB Apple Watch SE (or) 5 (or) 4, DualShock 3 and a decent pair of USB headphones.

    Looking for the above things. Sorry for the weird title. 1. Looking for an Apple Watch SE. Had a deal agreed in place with a guy from IVG though he hasn't replied since agreeing. Looking to buy it for 19K. 2. DualShock 3. My DS3 hasn't been pairing wirelessly so I would like another DS3. Dunno...
  4. C

    WTB Original Dual Shock 3

    Looking for an original Dual Shock 3 as shopping sites are filled with "OEM" versions (fake version which don't work wireless), and paying ~3k is ridiculous when you can buy a used PSP for the same price. Please post pics if you want to sell one you have. Price can discussed in PM.