hdmi to vga

  1. Z

    PC Peripherals HDMI to VGA Cable

    I have an old monitor that I don't want to discard right away. The issue is it only has a DVI-D and VGA ports. I can use a HDMI to DVI-D cable and use the former but the latter seems wasted. I have been looking for a HDMI to VGA cable, not a converter, that can solve my woes. So far, I have come...
  2. Mubashshir2017

    FS: Desktops i7 4790K+Zotac GTX1060 3gb+H81M-S1+Vengeance Pro Series (8x2)=16GB+CM hyper 103

    i7 4790K - purchased around December 2014, do not have invoice. http://ark.intel.com/products/80807/Intel-Core-i7-4790K-Processor-8M-Cache-up-to-4_40-GHz Gigabyte H81M-S1 - purchased around January 2017, invoice is present. https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-H81M-S1-rev-10#ov...