i7 6700k

  1. Rahul Rao

    0-20k Can anyone suggest me an i7 6/7th gen processor for gigabyte z270x gaming-7 Mobo?

    I want 7700 or 7700k processor, is there any online store to buy?
  2. W

    WTB Core i7 6700

    Looking to buy used core i7 6700 (non k) Version. I already have a motherboard and RAM. Please PM. Thanks.
  3. P

    FS: Processor Intel core i7-6700k only 1.5 months old only

    more image as some issue with the image cannot upload more then two http://prntscr.com/dvk0f0 http://prntscr.com/dvk0qo http://prntscr.com/dvk12b