
  1. T

    How Can I Undo a Seen Message Into Unseen Message On Instagram For Everyone

    Hello There I Got Message From a Person On Instagram But Mistakenly I Opened That Person Message And Now It is No More Unread message So How Can I Undo Or Revert This Change of Message Status OR How Can I Unseen a Seen Message In DM Of Instagram for Everyone (From both sides) Let me Explain...
  2. swatkats

    WhatsApp - Updates and Issues

    A New WhatsApp update seems set to stop people screenshotting their private conversations. The new feature – which comes as part of a suite of security changes, in line with the app's commitment to privacy – seems strangely integrated. It doesn't appear to block someone taking screengrabs of...
  3. nRiTeCh

    Unable to login to Instagram app from any phone

    I formatted my phone and was setting up all apps etc. Wasnt able to recall my Instagram password after 3 times wrong password so tried password reset. But even after entering the reset codes it still greets me with the same screen again and again! I was however was able to login via pc...