
  1. TechNickGamer

    FS: Others UPS Microtek Legend 1 650S / 650va Unused Box Open

    My existing 1100va with my PC was tripping badly and beeping especially while gaming on ultra settings so went for this 650va UPS temporarily for my OLED TV to reduce the load. Now I ordered a 27" Monitor and separated my PC and PS5 and went ahead to upgrade to a 1500va UPS for the PC mainly...
  2. PixelDew

    External Battery UPS for PC

    Hello I'm looking to get a ups for my pc and would want to avoid the internal battery ones that barely last 2 mins if you're in the middle of a game. The pc will likely be a 4080 + 7600x running on a MSI MAG 850GL. I've come across these two - "UPS OFFLINE DESIRE PRO+ 2000" by microtek and the...
  3. Ssreek

    Microtek UPS failure/battery replacement

    I have a Microtek UPS - TwinGuard Pro+ 1000VA model, bought in 2019. Recently, I noticed that whenever electricity goes off, it gives beep and turns off immediately because of which pc is turning off as well. I am suspecting either there is some failure in charging battery, or the batteries are...
  4. scott1391990

    FS: Others Microtek Sebz 900 Sine wave Inverter (800VA/640Watt)

    Bought this after I shifted to Greater Noida West in Jan this year and everything was fine until I upgraded my GPU to 3070 TI. My previous card i.e, 1650 Super consumed 100W at full load and this card consumes 290W at full load which started causing problems due to overload. Upgraded the...