
  1. S

    41-50k PC building for the first time (budget)

    Hi people Specs: CPU - Ryzen 5 5600g GPU - 1660 Super or 1080ti or RX 6600 Motherboard - B450 chipset any reputable board RAM - 16gb 3200 mhz Monitor - Any gaming monitor with medium high fps PSU - reputable brand 600 Watts I wanted to play pubg PC from the day it released but I was a student...
  2. arghya139

    WTB Graphics Card for PubG 90+ FPS

    Hi, looking for any graphics card that gives 90+ FPS in PubG I have Ryzen 5 3500 with 16 GB Ram
  3. arghya139

    What Graphics Card Required to Play PubG ?

    I am Using AMD Ryzen 5 3500, Zotac 1660 Super AMP 6 GB, MSI G27C4, 16 GB @3200 Still even if I am playing pubG in Everything Medium, hardly getting over 60 FPS Is this normal or I need to tweak any settings ?
  4. M

    FS: Games PS4 Games - GTA V, Watch Dogs 2, PUBG

    Product Name: PS4 Games - GTA V, Watch Dogs 2, PUBG. Expected Price: GTA V - Rs. 750, Watch Dogs 2 - Rs. 500, PUBG - Rs. 500. Shipping charges: Rs. 50 per disc or Rs. 100 for all three. Description if any: All the discs in excellent condition. Reason for Sale: Not required...
  5. MrGhost

    PUBG Key for Sale ???

    Hello Techies, My friend wants to buy PUBG under 1000 rupees I know it's already available on steam but he wants it cheap so please if someone has a key who wants to sell please let me know so he will get off my back. Thank you!