PC Peripherals $1,500 Keyboard; Optimus Maximus

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No. Even if I had the money, it would still be a waste of money.

If it was free of course I would take it. Why turn up free goodies?
The Art. Ledebev Studio has again decided to show off a little bit of its upcoming Optimus Maximus OLED keyboard and has posted a new video. Available on the official journal/blog the video depicts the white and black keyboards changing their layouts. Both keyboards seem very responsive and shiny and trendy even though their software is still far from being finished. Those who want to see the keyboards doing pretty much the same thing but live and up close can do so at the Wired Store in New York later this month.


New Optimus Maximus video shows keyboard layout change
Got cash to spend ? You're gonna need it. After two years of pretty persistant media coverage the Optimus Maximus keyboard has been completed, sent for shipping.

Reviewers from Engadget weren't exactly impressed. While the preliminary report from Engadget praised the brilliant OLED keys, the major selling feature of the keyboard, the sturdy construction and high-quality building materials, the review team was let down by a flaw in the fundamentals of the Optimus Maximus.

"Typing on [the Optimus Maximus], well, sucks," was the blunt assessment from the Engadget review team. "... As a whole it just requires way too much force to depress keys ... Let's put it this way, we sit around and type all day long and this thing wore us out in about 30 seconds to a minute. Carpal sufferers, beware."

More reviews should be rolling in shortly -- but if the Engadget preview is any indication, the "ultimate keyboard" may have gotten so carried up with special features that the basic functionality was left out.

However, it does stand to reason that anyone able to spend the wallet-busting $1,564 USD for the Optimus Maximus could certainly afford to pick up an old IBM Model M 1391401 as their primary unit for typing.

Link->Optimus Maximus keyboard
Link2->Optimus OLED keyboard finally on sale

I remember when i saw the first previews I wanted to get my hands on it since then .. but definately not at that price.

I think no one would want to spend more than 100$ on this keyboard. Lets see how soon the company drop its price. :)
I seriously doubt that keyboard will be even slightly ergonomic. Add to that the fact that it is more prone to damage due to dust/spills etc.
this keyboard technology might become common technology of in the future...:bleh:

but i would prefer the matrix style virtual world interfaces :ohyeah:
Its quite old..it was released at one of those hardware expo's..
Nice keyboard..but the software t fully utilise it is available on mac only at present:-(
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