100$ computer

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The first working prototype of the $100 Laptop is unveiled at the Seven Countries Task Force Meeting, 23 May 2006.

Made by MIT this is the answer to the global divide.

heard it long ago.
as far as i know this computers are specifically made for arab countries or say middleeast :P.
well one more thing afaik these computers wont boot until and unless connected to the internet or so within some days of purchase .. or something crap like tht.
thisfeature is to make the worldwide pc users aware of the net and stuffs.
donnu how much it i strue though.I wonder why cant IIT start such projects tht will gain fame worldwide and eventually will increase indias fund.
What 3rd world countries need is infrastructure.NOT rubbish laptops that they are given but doesn't know how to use and have no technical support afterwards.Its like giving a man a fish, he can't feed himself for life.
Intel in collaboration with Wipro will be releasing the Rs.10000 desktop computer. Its got an energy-saving processor, CD-ROM....and other essesntials of a basic PC!
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