1080p movies stuttering on VLC

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Live eviL
My config is

720BE and 4400+
RAM 3gb DDR2 800
No GPU-onboard 3300

1080p movies are struggling to play on my sytem on VLC player and on KM player there is an audio lag? what could be the problem?

any good software to play HD movies?:)
hey buddy, try kmplayer and download and install CoreAVC. In Kmplayer internal codec settings choose coreavc as your decoding software for HD/TS files.

There is a noticeable difference between Kmplayer's default codec and when used with coreavc.
OT: You watching Kaminey in 1080p ?? It must be Shahid stuttering :rofl:

On topic: Were they playing fine before and the problem has started occurring recently ?
What version of VLC are you using? VLC always seemed to stutter on HD content for me, but I heard the latest version plays well, haven't personally tried it.

Just download MPC-home cinema. No need of any codecs, it plays everything perfectly.

Till recently I used to use MPC classic + Klite mega codec pack. But I shifted to home cinema so that I can use my GPU for the video. :)
There is no need of all of this coz codec packs will add stuff which u'll hardly need and unnecessary junk is always unwelcome. :cool2:

Remove all codecs apart from the ones u need. Must remove codec packs if any.

Install CoreAVC if u want to use ur CPU for HD playback which would be very stressing. And u can use the usual Windows Media Player or for that matter any other player u like with CoreAVC given the preference.

FFDSHOW is free but its very bad compared to CoreAVC.


Get Windows Media Player Classic Home Cinema

if u want to use ur onboard 3300 for decoding HD which would be very easy on ur entire system. No need to install CoreAVC or anything, just install proper ATI drivers and follow the Guru3D guide for hardware acceleration. This will use DXVA and ur processor usage would be minimal. :)

Accelerate x.264 1080p movies over the GPU Guide

Hope u got it well...:D
have you updated your VLC palyer with latest version??? 'cause I had similar problems, not to that extent :P .. but after updating it is good.
Gowt1ham said:
after installing coreAVC + mplayer + zoom player + Km player..........Video is smooth audio lags...... now:S

Remove all players that u dnt need.
And look out for codecs lying in a corner :P

If CoreAVC is not able to run 1080p smoothly (which is only possible due to broken codecs), just use MPC-HC and all should be fine. :cool2:
If you use windows 7 or vista then try the shark007 codecs it plays your media files in media player itself out of the box.
First of all uninstall EVERY SINGLE codec pack and other bullshit on your system.

Use either MPC-HC, MPC, or Windows Media Player. VLC is inefficient and uses its internal filters of everything.

If you have a GPU to decode HD, the ONLY codec you need for other formats is FFDShow. Configure it to handle all codecs except x264/h264/AVC. Enable the MPC Video Decoder in MPC-HC for h264 and VC-1 DXVA version only. If you don't have a GPU install CoreAVC.
raksrules said:
OT: You watching Kaminey in 1080p ?? It must be Shahid stuttering :rofl:

On topic: Were they playing fine before and the problem has started occurring recently ?

Lol. Stuttering reminded me of techboy.
Latest VLC version, Vista x64 - no stutttters
MPC Home Cinema + nothing + only settings some options = bliss for HD's :) ... with mkv's, hdmov's etc. etc. ..

I'd say uninstall everything, and do a fresh install of MPC Home Cinema only, and configure it accordingly to ur setup .. Klite codecs are usefull if u wanna still use WMP for playback ..
+1 to MPC - HC

Along with that install madVR - high quality video renderer (GPU assisted).


Requirements for madVR

- graphics card with full Direct3D9 hardware support

- at least 128MB of dedicated graphics card memory

- Windows XP or newer

Also, like many suggested, dont install any codec packs.

Install only what is required.
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