11-digit mobile numbers from 1st Jan 2010

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:P11-digit mobile numbers soon:P


Come January and all 500 million mobile users in the country may have to change their phone numbers and adopt a 11-digit cellular.The subscribers will have to prefix 9 to the existing 10-digit number. For example, a number 9xxxxxxxxx will become 99xxxxxxxxx.

The Department of telecommunications (DoT) issued a notice to all telecom service providers on Tuesday, informing the change in the plan.The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has amended the National Numbering Plan 2003 for migration to an 11-digit numbering plan in mobile services by prefixing the number ‘9’ to the existing two-digit PLMN Access Code.The mobile number has three components of numbering -- PLMN code, MSC code and subscriber number. The regulator wants another digit to be added to the PLMN code, which, at present, is a two-digit code. MSC code is a three-digit number, while subscriber number is a five digit code.

A new numbering plan was required because India’s mobile subscriber base has grown at a faster pace than expected.With India adding over 10-14 million mobile subscribers each month, the wireless subscriber base has already crossed 500 million, a year ahead of the target.Therefore, DoT has to re-examine plans to accommodate more subscribers.

The logic
Under the current 10-digit numbering scheme, only a maximum of one billion mobile numbers can be issued and the mobile connections in the country will cross this mark in the next couple of years. Pre-fixing an additional digit will allow the Indian telecom operators to issue up to 10-billion individual mobile numbers.
However, it remains to be seen if operators would be able to migrate to new numbering plan at a short notice as all leading operators have said that it would be ‘next to impossible’ for the country to move to a 11-digit mobile number by January 2010 as this would involve making massive technical changes to both softwares and mobile network configurations, while adding that this process could take up to 12 months.
11 digit is less, they should make it 13 digits. :P

if they want to increase, increase it by 3 instead of 1. will take care of next 5 years mobile expansion in one stroke.
Gaurish said:
what happened to new series? mobile no starting with 8xxxxxx?

That will give just some extra time but is not the solution! Of course I don't think it could be possible to move to 11 digit number so soon. I have seen many mobile phones that don't even support more than 10 digits :P. :ohyeah: Technical issues apart!

And updating all of the contacts is going to be a hectic task :@
dam i pissed off they shut down the china phone nw adding 9 result to moeny loss of user


my visitng card nw had 2 b replced nw dam idiot.
:rofl: :P, get another chinese phone with a 13 digit number this ime :hap2:

panky.killer said:
dam i pissed off they shut down the china phone nw adding 9 result to moeny loss of user


my visitng card nw had 2 b replced nw dam idiot.
Gaurish said:
what happened to new series? mobile no starting with 8xxxxxx?

What about it ??

Its already in use ...I have docomo number which starts as 80975xxxxx

But problem is series are not being de reserved like we come to know number staring with 92 is of vodaphone 93 reliance 94 BSNL hence as more operater jumps more is their problem so from now on 3 digit series for a provider
yes Number Portability will create more problems for the operators.

They are not able to manage their own users properly so what the hell they do any good after this shit comes next yr.

They should need to improve first.

Also due to this crap terrorism will have an advantage.

For eg: Today say 932 is for reliance so without consuming any time we can directly track the person through reliance.

But if same user shifts to another network then there will be a pin in a** for sure.

TRAI will be only doing bad than any good. And if anything happens they will be blamed.
ronit said:
For eg: Today say 932 is for reliance so without consuming any time we can directly track the person through reliance.
But if same user shifts to another network then there will be a pin in a** for sure.

TRAI will be only doing bad than any good. And if anything happens they will be blamed.

Thats not completely correct.
Number portability will involve moving provider-maintained databases to a central shared database of all the users.
It will be under direct control of the government.
So tracking et al. will be actually easier for government agencies (coz now the database is government).
The central database would also make it easy/feasible to detect fraudsters who hop from network to network and avoid paying bills.
Shit there goes the value of my VIP number.

IIRC, numbers starting with 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 have been assigned but why can't they use numbers starting with 5 or 7?
Gaurish said:
what happened to new series? mobile no starting with 8xxxxxx?

My new tata docomo number starts with '8'.... Crazy this digit thingy will never stop growing. When's the internet finally moving to ipv6 :bleh:
i am seeing numbers starting from 080XXXX

confused it to be a call from karnataka!! lol

anyone got a clue about the "interchange of service providers withouth change in number" thing that trai had come out last year (i guess) ??
If number portability is issued, TRAI have to ensure that there's no diff between the call charges to same and other network. :@
Seems unlikely that it will get implemented on such short notice. Maybe in the second half of 2010, though even that is difficult. They are juggling too many things. 3G, MNP and now this.
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