12 Funny Pranks To Play When People Call Your House

1. Say "Hello Chinese take out how may I take your order" in an Chinese accent

2. Say "What the " and hit a number bleeping a word out. Make this into a little conversation acting like you are cussing them out.

3. Start making a bunch of animal noises.

4. Make a message box voice and say" Hello we are unavailable to take your call right now please leave a message after the tone and make a beep noise.

5. Start talking in a foreign language.

6. Say " Yes my refrigerator is running from the Russians."

7. say "We have a dirty secret to tell you."

8. simply pas your gas into the phone and then say "hello"

9. If the time is midday say " Hello" in a drowsy tired voice

10. Say " Help me I'm being eaten by a giant squid.

11. If someone prank calls your house, never let them get off the phone by starting up along endless conversation.

12. When the phone rings answer it say " Daddy is back from the war.
XTerminator said:
2. Say "What the " and hit a number bleeping a word out. Make this into a little conversation acting like you are cussing them out.
Thats the best one. should be tried at least once.