2.1 creative Right channel / speaker not working :'(

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On a Journey called Life :P
As the say's there is some problem with the output of my 2.1 creative speakers .

till yesterday it was working but now it's not working

I swifted the speakers from left to right channel and fount that both the speakers are working so no problem with that.

I tried to reinstall the realteak drivers and fonud that the problem still exsists

Please help, it's really irritating to have sound only form one side

Thank you for reading....

have a nice night / day ahead.
Try connecting the speakers from a mobile / mp3 playes, if it plays fine then the problem is with your system, else the problem is with your speakers.

Check the audio cable, it might be faulty
I checked the speakers with mobile and it worked perfectly

so is it windows 7 ????? right ??????

what should i do
Check this :

- right click on the speaker icon in the taskbar

- select playback devices

- double click on your default audio device, (generally is the Speaker, 1st one)

- Go to level tab > balance, see if either of the channel is set to 0
there is no problem with the levels
both are on right balance .....

really my mind is spinning after thinking what can be the readion for the right channel for not working
Before that, you can try playing music from a linux live CD, then you will know if the problem lies with the OS or hardware (read mobo)
the problem could very well just be with the line out jack.. hence, trying with the headphone jack will be the best way to start troubleshooting..
you can try the above mentioned method, if the problem is indeed with the line-out, jack, still you can use the line-in /microphone jack, just configure the line-in/microphone as line-out in the realtek cp
Thank's #[member='CA50'] : It's was my output port >_<

But now as you told about changing the port and configuring it in realtek cp , it is working

so now the Q? is should i Rma the mobo ?????
#[member='princeoo7'] first of all congrats that you successfully solved the issue.

next about the RMA thing, you can RMA the mobo if you can wait untill you get the mobo. Alternatively you can use mobo as you are using now.
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