2.1 Speakers

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I've had a creative inspire 5.1 system for a while now. I use my speakers for music 90% of the time and I've been looking something with better sound quality and clarity, and I want to go in for a 2.1 set this time. Looking through any previous threads here I can see that the MX5021 is clearly the speaker of choice, but I don't think I'll be able to find it anywhere. I live in Bangalore, and if someone does know where I can get a set, do tell me.

My price range is up to about 8 to 10k. Speaker power is really not an issue for me as I'll hardly ever need them to play very loud, any speakers in that range should cover my volume requirements. So judging only by the quality of sound (I'm not an over-pumped bass fan, subtle bass works for me and any altec lansings I've heard have had just the right amount) could you suggest a speaker set within my range?

If anyone knows good shops to buy and listen to a demo of these speakers in bangalore, do tell me. SP road should be the location I know, but its slightly far away for me so if I know some good shops there before hand, it'd help.
Since the MX5021 is EOL and not easily available , the only option I could think of is a Audio Engine A2 if they are available. They are 2.0 speakers and not 2.1.
About how much would the Audio Engine A2 cost roughly? A 2.0 would work I guess..

Also, I have a fairly old sound blaster live! sound card. Would a sound card upgrade make a very big difference?
i recently took a demo of jbl creature at the istore.they are priced for 8 k.sounded real nice with the ipod.
How about M-AUDIO's Studiophile AV 30, they are not a 2.1 speakers though but saw a lot of good reviews stating that these speakers deliver very good sound quality and also good bass. I was very impressed with the reviews that i ordered a pair from GEB (Global Easy Buy). The speakers are yet to arrive and on receipt i will be able to post my feedback. Well, can even post a showoff too. In india, the cheapest price i could find for these was from here - M-Audio 2010 Studiophile AV30 Professional Reference Speakers -

Also go through,
Best 5 PC peripherals - CNET Reviews
M-Audio Studiophile AV 30 Separate Speaker reviews - CNET Reviews

As your budget is up to 10K u can go for an even better version of M-AUDIO's Studiophile AV 40. The price of these speakers are 10K both at GEB and bajaao.com
vantheman5211 said:
i recently took a demo of jbl creature at the istore.they are priced for 8 k.sounded real nice with the ipod.

I am too looking for a 2.1" system but a low end one since my budget is not more then 3k. Please advise..
I contacted Audioengine, they have a dealer in bangalore and will send me the details today or tomorrow. Reading through online reviews, I've heard a lot of good things about the A2..

How would the A2 compare with the M-Audio AV30 or AV40 you think?
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