hhey guys , just thought some gamers would get a little happy that two tmg players that is myself ( TmG | V!RU$ ) and akshay ( TmG | Aks ! ) have decided to step down from gaming , i personally am completely stepping down from competitive gaming along with "computer gaming" itself and akshay will quit "counter strike" but still do "gaming" in general in terms of entertainment . ive reached top level gaming in uk scene and ive realised there isnt much scope in the field with the top shots being jobless most of the times , plus i have a few other things in mind like career and stuff
aks : css will be something far distant for me now unlike b4 when it used 2 be my s3x partner gf:rofl:
so i think thatll really motivate some aks victims on te servers haha , have fun guys ..:tongue:
we both will obv still stick with tmg in all its endeavous in the future , the team is still strong with players like vunami and goldenfrag in it . :hap2:

aks : css will be something far distant for me now unlike b4 when it used 2 be my s3x partner gf:rofl:
so i think thatll really motivate some aks victims on te servers haha , have fun guys ..:tongue:
we both will obv still stick with tmg in all its endeavous in the future , the team is still strong with players like vunami and goldenfrag in it . :hap2: