2 Drop frm Tmg

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hhey guys , just thought some gamers would get a little happy that two tmg players that is myself ( TmG | V!RU$ ) and akshay ( TmG | Aks ! ) have decided to step down from gaming , i personally am completely stepping down from competitive gaming along with "computer gaming" itself and akshay will quit "counter strike" but still do "gaming" in general in terms of entertainment . ive reached top level gaming in uk scene and ive realised there isnt much scope in the field with the top shots being jobless most of the times , plus i have a few other things in mind like career and stuff:P
aks : css will be something far distant for me now unlike b4 when it used 2 be my s3x partner gf:rofl:

so i think thatll really motivate some aks victims on te servers haha , have fun guys ..:tongue:

we both will obv still stick with tmg in all its endeavous in the future , the team is still strong with players like vunami and goldenfrag in it . :hap2:
As long as you both dont play on the TE server, I will be happy :lol: ....

It gets boring with you guys on the server.,.... unless you happen to be in the same team as me :P

lol...j/k.... anyway all the best for your future endeavaours anyway
V!RU$ said:
hhey guys , just thought some gamers would get a little happy that two tmg players that is myself ( TmG | V!RU$ ) and akshay ( TmG | Aks ! ) have decided to step down from gaming , i personally am completely stepping down from competitive gaming along with "computer gaming" itself and akshay will quit "counter strike" but still do "gaming" in general in terms of entertainment . ive reached top level gaming in uk scene and ive realised there isnt much scope in the field with the top shots being jobless most of the times , plus i have a few other things in mind like career and stuff:P
aks : css will be something far distant for me now unlike b4 when it used 2 be my s3x partner gf:rofl:

so i think thatll really motivate some aks victims on te servers haha , have fun guys ..:tongue:

we both will obv still stick with tmg in all its endeavous in the future , the team is still strong with players like vunami and goldenfrag in it . :hap2:
didnt u quit gaming b4 too......:P.....i know both of u will be back
They wont.

Atleast Rowin wont, as sad as I am to see em go. It was inevitable. So.. bah..
Anyways, ill be leaving for US of A next year was well, so I dont think ill be playing much longer anyways. Stupid SAT and HSC this year.
AFAIK, Rowin and Aks both has officially Quit CS. For good.

But both of them are switching over to Consoles, for Casual Gaming.

They were argueing over the fact, which 1 to buy, the PS3 or the XBox 360 :P.
no i personally have quit all types of computer games coz i have spent a big part of my life front of the computer practicing my aimbot shots and i think its time up now with me pursuing a career in management and stuff so ill be quite busy , and i quit b4 and came back for 2 reaons , pressure frm my team mates , and the boredom i went through becoz i didnt have any entertainment in my room but thats not the case anymore........ so it was kinda fun playing on sgwargames , cheers guys
"Winning the heart and mind of the enemy is the ultimate Victory" .......a Chinese proverb.

I always knew we were going to thrash the living daylights out of you kids if and when the clash took place, but achieving it without a shot being fired makes it more memorable. perhaps diplomacy still works ......;)

anyways best wishes for your respective budding careers.
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