2 Girls Arrested for FB post slamming Bal Thackeray

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Though I don't agree about posting on FB etc. regarding the shutting down of the city but I am somewhat angry and confused. We've shifted into a new flat last week and have been shifting since Friday. Now, we didn't know that there is going to be a 2-day lockdown and curfew like conditions in the city so we didn't stock up or anything.

- No takeaways. We were depending on pizzas, chinese food to sustain while shifting since we didn't have a working kitchen.
- No restaurants open.
- No hotels serving food inside their restaurants.
- No shops offering basic stuff like bread, eggs, maggi.

As a result, 2 days we have only eaten chips, biscuits, chocolate, namkeen, 3 packets of Maggi that we fortunately had saved (cooked in the microwave since the gas pipeline is not installed in the new flat). Add the strain of shifting and almost all of us (family of 4) had a stomach ache/headache by yesterday night.

All this because someone died a peaceful, natural death.

I am not a rabid supporter of Shiv Sena neither I am against it. I am simply a guy who had to suffer in a situation which did not concern me in any manner.
Few days back i just saw a german movie about "THE BELL" it was a top secret Nazi scientific technological device,

it was an anti gravity nazi spacecraft shaped in a circular disk jusk like ordinary UFO's, the nazi's used six BMW engines to power the craft.

After WWII some "bell sightings reported in the USA, the U.S. government took the bell from Germany in Operation Paperclip.
Stewie Griffin said:
i occasionally like to flick my balls really hard oftentimes and then i am like "balls... thwacka... aooofff... aarhhhh...aye....ayayeeee"

you are hurting those sensitive places mister chartoon character man.
Godwins Law's at full speed here .. :)
Lets hope things change for the better and people become sensible ..

This incident though unfortunate shows only a glimpse of how rotten the legal system has become.
Everyone is going on different tangents here.

the discussion in question is about 2 citizens arrested by police in a congress governed state for stating their views (taking a dig at Bal thackerey and his supporters) under sections of the law that are so similar to blasphemy laws of pakistan. but this thread has turned into a shivsena bashing thread. I'm sure if you were in mumbai (1) as a sikh during the 1984 pogrom, or (2) during the 92'~, or (3) were a kashmiri pandit taking refuge in mumbai, or so many other instances that I cannot enumerate, definitely you wouldn't be only having debilitating views on shivsena as peddled by the anti-hindu congress-outpost media houses of which NDTV leads the pack. I'm surprised how police don't get condemned, the home minister of the state doesn't get any flak, the CM too is unquestioned but it is all shivsena's fault that the arrest happened. I dont see such manufactured outrages in TV studios or threads like this being created for the following news reports:
Twitter: Outcry over man's arrest for tweets against Chidambaram's son - Times Of India
Gurgaon techie held for posting derogatory messages against Sonia Gandhi on Orkut - Express India

I feel bad for what you had to go through. but this is the common mistake. it is not just some random bloke who died but a popular political leader Clipping of Ahmedabad, 19 November, 2012 DigitalEdition https://twitter.com/KiranKS/status/270524651493531650/photo/1 . the news of his bad health were doing rounds for the past week. one can anticipate what will happen if he dies. for example, I'm no fan of Karunanidhi but we do take precautions if any news of his health concerns comes out.... he is a popular political leader and the city will definitely be paralysed if something untoward happens. it is just like preparing for some natural calamity. this is how society works. if one want to mould the society over individual wants/perceptions, ironically, one has to become like 'them'.

did you drink a glass of bile or what :P and yeah that your friends couldn't anticipate such situations like a popular political leader's death is also complete fault of these scumbags... lakhs and lakhs of them. to put in perspective a dozen and probably more farmers were shot, yes shot by real bullets, in police firing near thane before diwali in a protest as they are not able to get essentials throughout the year.

and boy is it so easy to be hitler these days, guess standards have become too low :| all bal thackerey said was that he admired hitler as a strategist and an artist while definitely hated him for his ways and what he did to the jews.

shivsena, bal thackarey and the likes will always surface if political systems and laws become impotent. nothing is going to happen by criticising all these organisations. living in one's individual comfort cocoons and pointing fingers at these street warriors only shows how much self-righteous we are on our own delusions. the core of India is much different than what techies like us perceive or want it to be. it is so easy to pontificate/criticize by a FB update, tweet or a forum post but I'm sure none will actually contribute much for law reforms, police reforms or electoral reforms or such. our political discussions have been reduced to daily jumping from outrage to outrage just like what the TRP hungry TV studios want.

Well, at the very least, they are reflection of what more than 90% of the common men in our country would be like given the same opportunities. Humans are by nature greedy and self centered and majority of our country men are even more so than anybody else. Every corrupt politician is just a reflection of what a typical common man of our country would be like given the same opportunity that they have.
NO. this is the most common alibi of all crooks 'everyone is like that'. by extending that line of argument logically, let's do nothing about rapists as everyone who gets to an advantageous situation with a defenceless young girl would rape her. see how sweeping that accusation is. illegal 'actions' should be punished and that others may/maynot have similar intentions in their 'thoughts' is no argument for slack. what is this? thought police?

Wrong my friend !-even though bailed out just now- they will spend the next five years- fighting the cases which have been slapped on them. No judge worth his salt will acquit them just because false cases have been imposed by police ( Now judges- who mostly are sarkari nominees always agree with what is presented to them ( right or wrong !) on platter by the police & the police prosecutors). It will be peshi par peshi par peshi for these poor creatures, who only very rightly had made relevant -truthful comments. I really fear for so called Indian democracy!.
No. this has generated enough discussions everywhere. case will get dismissed soon has similar precedences of misuse of those particular sections also. even shivsena spokesperson said they didnt give any complaint (and their sainiks were not involve in ransacking the girl's uncle's clinic), that it was done by someone in their individual capacity and wanted that person to withdraw the case.

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Nine people have been arrested in Mumbai for allegedly vandalising the clinic of the uncle of one of the two women who were arrested yesterday for a post on Facebook.

The woman had shared her views on the shutdown of the city as Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray's funeral was being held on Sunday. Her friend had "liked" the post.

A local Shiv Sena leader filed a police complaint and cops from the Palghar police station, two and a half hours' travel from Mumbai, arrested her and her friend.

Source : ndtv.com
DigitalDude, if you really believe "even shivsena spokesperson said they didnt give any complaint (and their sainiks were not involve in ransacking the girl's uncle's clinic), that it was done by someone in their individual capacity and wanted that person to withdraw the case." then either you are very naive or just turning your back on the whole situation.

The question here is not whether bal thackerey is/was a good/bad leader or not. The question is that what kind of society we live in where two defenseless girls get arrested for expressing their views, they get bullied, their uncle "taught a lesson" and then once they were given bail, they are forced to say that "He was a great man" ... duh... A big shame really.

Now to some off topic rants:
Shiv sena was maybe relevant some decades back and filled a void created by unimaginative leadership but their time is past, their ways too archaic, their direction too backward and their leaders too self preaching.
India stands on the cusp of modernity and providing food to every mouth.. and these goons still grab the headlines.. pulling us back .. into those dark days of mob riots after ram mandir fiasco.
Its time we learn to move on, we learn to start fighting for the real causes.
.... rant over.. !!
I have been searching about what was his contribution for society, science, invention etc, found nothing, can someone come with all the proofs ????

I want to know in a positive way, please.

NOTE : Please don't mention the NAME CHANGES of roads, railways, airports etc.....

I know its not related to the thread, this thread was all about our democracy/freedom to speech, but rants have already been posted. So thought of sharing this
(I cant post much as you can check my city and i am avoiding hence it has to be an against view).

Bottom-line::You hate him(i dont care) or you love him(i dont care) but you simply cant ignore him.

It was the system which allowed his rise and it was the system handling by SS which led to its fall.

Anyways what i like about Udhav was allowing his servant Tejbahaddur Thapa, to perform last rites of Balasaheb .

Now i am worried that the present government giving similar free hand to Raj to become a cult figure like Balasaheb.

Regarding the gals only i can say they are simply on the bad luck side.Even i received a rant on my FB post which i had copied from a famous cartonist of DNA on mumbai police action.My rant was deleted in no time by same person but his action proved that i too might face trouble hence i removed that post.
Everyone is going on different tangents here.

shivsena, bal thackarey and the likes will always surface if political systems and laws become impotent. nothing is going to happen by criticising all these organisations. living in one's individual comfort cocoons and pointing fingers at these street warriors only shows how much self-righteous we are on our own delusions. the core of India is much different than what techies like us perceive or want it to be. it is so easy to pontificate/criticize by a FB update, tweet or a forum post but I'm sure none will actually contribute much for law reforms, police reforms or electoral reforms or such. our political discussions have been reduced to daily jumping from outrage to outrage just like what the TRP hungry TV studios want.

NO. this is the most common alibi of all crooks 'everyone is like that'. by extending that line of argument logically, let's do nothing about rapists as everyone who gets to an advantageous situation with a defenceless young girl would rape her. see how sweeping that accusation is. illegal 'actions' should be punished and that others may/maynot have similar intentions in their 'thoughts' is no argument for slack. what is this? thought police?

No. this has generated enough discussions everywhere. case will get dismissed soon has similar precedences of misuse of those particular sections also. even shivsena spokesperson said they didnt give any complaint (and their sainiks were not involve in ransacking the girl's uncle's clinic), that it was done by someone in their individual capacity and wanted that person to withdraw the case.

I agree with you as far as the ivory tower syndrome is concerned. It's easy to shout out on facebook as middle class educated Indians who mostly don't vote. Still, you cant expect some backlash when a xenophobic goonda dies. So, he saved some Pundits, but he also beat up south Indians and then later Biharis/UPites. He wanted to deny constitutional rights to anyone who wasn't a domicile. Saying these things hardly makes me a Shiv Sena basher, for these things are true.

The police are abusing the legal system and lets not pretend that the Sena had nothing to do with it. Sure, they will deny it officially. They also denied pushing for a bandh. Don't be naive.

However I agree with you that there is a larger issue at stake here vis a vis freedom of speech and misuse of the Indian Penal code. This is not the first time this has happened. Someone earlier in this thread said we need an ACLU like organisation in India. I think this is the best solution. But who is ready to take up this cause? Ivory tower children?
Have power, will abuse. That's how it works in India, and the arrest for FB post proves it. Hence, never give Internet controls to govt - Chetan Bhagat
I read it somewhere that the FB comment by these girls was shown by some news channel and thats how it came to limelight because I can see lot of Anti comments and I do not think everyone got arrested for this.
This is what Shaheen Dhada had originally posted on FB which led to all the brouhaha.


Palghar Facebook controversy : Shiv Sena District President Prabhakar Raut says attack was an accident & indicates love for Bal Thackeray.

Source : ANI News
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