2 Keyboards for Gaming!!!

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Can I use two keyboards simultaneously to play multiplayer games like FIFA, Mortal Kombat, Cricket etc with my Family and friends? If yes, pls provide instructions for it. I have one Gamepad also but want to use two keyboard to play with my friends. If its possible to attach two game pads, also let me know.

err I am not sure but even if you connect 2 keyboard/mice they perform the function of one single device.

So I dont think you will be able to control 2 different players in a game using those 2 different keyboards.

I am not sure if there's some software or other way to do it. correct me if wrong :)
Can anyone make me 100% sure with valid evidence since I am going to buy one USB Keyboard soon if i get firm outcome here. pls help!!!!
raheelshadab said:
Can anyone make me 100% sure with valid evidence since I am going to buy one USB Keyboard soon if i get firm outcome here. pls help!!!!

I'll try it tomorrow with the game kane and lynch and will let u know.
I would say useless to use two keyboards since they both will be considered as same. Just what H@acker said.

If gaming is your requirement for extra keyboard, get Logitech G13 or Belkin's.
raheelshadab said:
I'll buy Xbox 360 controller for PC if no one suggest me a good gamepad for PC games.

depends on what games you wanna play. if it's fighting games, Sega Saturn Pad hands down (or the Madcatz Fightpads which are essentially clones but are more expensive because they're prettier)
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