Hi there
Somehow or the other, I have 2 copies of Windows 7 loaded in my system. (64 bit)
Whenever, I start the system, I have to choose one.
I wanted to know how to remove 1 set of windows safely.
The primary OS is in C drive and the other one is in D Drive
Can I simply delete the D drive Windows Using Msconfig,boot option ?
Is it as easy as that ?
Are their any chance of problems after this step ?
Or would you recommend any other safer method ?
Thanks for advising
Somehow or the other, I have 2 copies of Windows 7 loaded in my system. (64 bit)
Whenever, I start the system, I have to choose one.
I wanted to know how to remove 1 set of windows safely.
The primary OS is in C drive and the other one is in D Drive
Can I simply delete the D drive Windows Using Msconfig,boot option ?
Is it as easy as that ?
Are their any chance of problems after this step ?
Or would you recommend any other safer method ?
Thanks for advising
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