20 inch Monitor - is this the best buy?

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Hi all,

In latest costtocost online pdf sheet 1 of the the Monitor shows:FUJISTU 20" (BEST BUY) priced at 5547(Exclusive VAT).

Is it really best buy for 20 inch monitor at current rates? any sugesstions.

Enjoy The Moment
most of the branded 22" ones are in the price 7.5 to 8k including taxes.....and with taxes the monitor u are saying will be about 6k its looks a fair deal though i have no idea about its performance and build quality....since i havent seen anyone using fujitsu monitor....there are also some chinese monitors available the market which are for 3-4k (19")
yes Taher,

My concern was the same, as i have not seen anyone buy fujitsu monitor & never heard of.

Well the monitor name is FUJISTU(as per costtocost sheet) , not the well known brand Fujitsu. Not sure if it is the typo or really some company name like that.will try to check in nehru place.
i visited nehru place today. And checked this monitor . It was fujitsu not fujistu. Seems like a typo to me :)
this thing sure is best buy at 5600 buks. This panel was on display . So i compared it with benq g2220. Benq had nice colors and better contrast ratio. The fujitsu was extra bright. Though i think fidgiting with settings may help a little. All in all the fujitsu is a verx good buy to someone low on budget .
I saw this on display to at C2C, Nehru Place but I was concerned about the warranty and support. Hence, I opted for the Samsung 20" B2030 at around 6.5K inclusive of all taxes.

And beware of C2C prices, these guys put large displays with prices without VAT all the time making them look attractive. Computer Empire is a better place and I found the guy there to be pretty helpful and patient even though the store was really crowded. C2C even printed some other price for the Microtek 800VA UPS that I got from them and then charged me more during billing saying it was a typo.
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