Lets learn Islam in better way by attending this Ijtema.
Invite all your friends and family.
For ladies : 29th OCT 2010 after Namaz-e-Jummaa
For Gents : 30&31st OCT 2010
A glimpse of what least to expect at the 20th Annual International Sunni Ijtema 2010 by Sunni Dawate Islami from 29-31 Oct'10
See you at Azad Maidan, Mumbai on 29, 30, 31 Oct. 2010
Sunni Dawate Islami ki Dawat harsoo aam karein Sunnat ko ghar-ghar phalayein tableegh-e-Islam karein
Sarkar, Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, ki Ghulaami, Sunni Dawate Islami!!!
Malak-e-Aala Hazrat, Zindabad!!!
The security check at all entry & exit points. This one at the entry point.
The Grand Wuzu-Khana (Place for Ablution).
Bulbul-e-Baag-e-Madina Hafiz-o-Qari Haji Naat Khwan Rizwan Khan Razavi Sahab Qibla delivering one of his Insightful speeches. Subhan-Allah!
The public that had gathered for the Ijtema.
The Asar Salaah being performed by a huge congregation. Unofficial estimates declare the size of the congregation at about 2.3 lakh people for each
namaaz on all 3 days!!!
The Entry Point of The Venue of The 17th Annual International Ijtema 2007 in Mumbai
The Asar Salaah being performed by a huge congregation. Unofficial estimates declare the size of the congregation at about 2.3 lakh people for each
namaaz on all 3 days!!!
The public that had gathered. This one during post-Maghrib. Yet another view.
The public that had gathered. This one, during post-Maghrib.