21-30k 27K rig - Overclocking and Gaming

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Oh and now my personal request.. I'am looking to upgrade and would like an estimation.. Following are the components,

2Gb 7850(no overclock-i'll do this personally later)
Biostar TA990FXE or 890GXE
Asrock 990FX Extreme4(would really love a crossfire board with (8x,8x) config at a reasonable price of about 6k-7k, otherwise i'll go for the aforementioned)

Cooler Master Elite 430
NZXT Guardian 921Rb
Cooler Mater Storm Scout

Finally a single stick of 2Gb DDR 3 RAM.

The processor's an AMD Athlon 2 x 4 635(will get bulldozer 8 core later)

Also i'd like to mention, i have a biostar A780L, 3gigs of DDR2 RAM and a 512mb 9800GT atm... How much do you reckon i'll get for these if i pawn them in ex.change for the stuff above??? Thanks in advance... and I'll be picking these up from Gautam
This is for the regulars at S.P Road, Bangalore.

Gauthans' cell no: 09342452918

2Gb 7850(no overclock-i'll do this personally later)
Biostar TA990FXE or 890GXE
Asrock 990FX Extreme4(would really love a crossfire board with (8x,8x) config at a reasonable price of about 6k-7k, otherwise i'll go for the aforementioned)

Cooler Master Elite 430
NZXT Guardian 921Rb
Cooler Mater Storm Scout

Finally a single stick of 2Gb DDR 3 RAM.

The processor's an AMD Athlon 2 x 4 635(will get bulldozer 8 core later)

Also i'd like to mention, i have a biostar A780L, 3gigs of DDR2 RAM and a 512mb 9800GT atm... How much do you reckon i'll get for these if i pawn them in ex.change for the stuff above??? Thanks in advance... and I'll be picking these up from Gautam

Thanks for the heads up, Shashank regarding Gautham's whereabouts.

Apart from that on your RIG, please fill up this template. Tell us your budget, because hnestly no point going for an AMD RI as off now; better is you go for an Intel i3 based setup [if you are on a tight budget] else you can get the new Generation III Intel Core i5 processor for your new RIG build.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!
You're most welcome Alpha 17... The thing is i already happen to have a athlon 2 x 4 635 with me... and moreover i'm an overclocking fanatic... intel's proved to be a PIA in the past.. lol Is there any specific reason for switching brands??? i've been out of the scene for quite sometime now... you could say 8 months or so... Roger on the template...

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

1.Q: What is your budget?

a. 27K

2.Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

a.CPU - AMD Athlon 2 x 4 635 @ 3.6GHz
b.Motherboard - Biostar A780L

c.GPU - 512Mb 9800GT

d.RAM - Kingston 1X2GB PC6400 DDR2
Transcend 1x1 Gb DDR2

e.Monitor - Some Samsung CRT(1024x768)
f.SMPS - AC Tech 550Watts

g.(please mention the rest in above format)

3.Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

a CPU: AMD Athlon 2 x4 635

4.Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

a.Motherboard - Biostar TA990FXE or Asrock 990FX Extreme 4 or anything with two PCI X slots that run at x8,x8 lanes each

b.GPU - AMD Radeon HD 7850

c. Corsair GS 700

d. Cooler Master Elite 430, Storm Scout or NZXT Guardian 921Rb

e. 2Gb DDR 3 RAM(Good brand with a heatsink)
d.(please mention the rest in above format)

5.Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

a.Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
b.GPU: an extra 7850 for crossfire
c. CPU: AMD bulldozer 8120
d. An extra stick of DDR 3(2GB)
e. Corsair HS 80 CPU cooler

6.Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

a.Bangalore S.P Road
b.Open to online purchase

7.Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market


8.Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

a. Hardcore gaming and HTPC

9.Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.


10.Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

a.Metro Last light
Maxpayne 3
Assassins Creed 3
Microsoft Flight
Deus EX: HR
Crysis 3
I am Alive
Alan Wake

11.Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

1.Gaming - 1600 setting (monitor will be a 21 inch lcd T.V)
2.Desktop - Same as above??? Not really worried.

12.Q: Are you looking to overclock?


13.Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

a.Windows 7 32 bit(i have a myth that 64 bit is unstable in some cases)
You're most welcome Alpha 17... The thing is i already happen to have a athlon 2 x 4 635 with me... and moreover i'm an overclocking fanatic... intel's proved to be a PIA in the past.. lol Is there any specific reason for switching brands?

Well the main reason I am asking you to do this is because, quite frankly whether you can over-clock OR not --
  • Intel completely outruns, outshines their AMD counterparts.
  • here is a head-to-head benchmark run between AMD FX-8150 and Intel Core i5 2500k.
  • even after over-clocking, AMD's IPC performance is so poor, it cannot beat a slower clocked Sandy-Bridge.
  • AMD processors are power hogs compared to Sandy-Bridge, over-clocking turns this gap into a gaping chasm.
  • the new Intel Ivy-Bridge processors simply mark the definitive end of AMD's most dismal release till date.

These are the reasons I am advocating that you go for the Intel Ivy-Bridge + Panther-Point platform package.

Intel Ivy-Bridge review(s) -- Tom's Hardware / Hexus.net / XBits Lab / Anandtech Intel Core i7 3770k.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!

P.S. -- save some cash Mustang and invest in the Intel platform.
Hmmmm... That's a fair statement... All right... You've seen my filled template... How much more will i need to shell out for

1. I3
2. I5
3. A motherboard with crossfire that comes in the 5k - 7k range...
Hmmmm... That's a fair statement... All right... You've seen my filled template... How much more will i need to shell out for

1. I3
2. I5
3. A motherboard with crossfire that comes in the 5k - 7k range.

You can get a Core i3 based RIG in your current budget. But do you have components like, a monitor, speakers [headsets], mouse + keyboard otherwise things will get tight with the budget you have on tap.

For a Core i5 setup, you will need to shell out atleast ~50000/-.

Sorry no luck on that Mustang, the cheapest Intel board which supports over-clocking + CrossFireX is ~9500/-.

Hope this helps, Cheers!!
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